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die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!
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Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren
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Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.
Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.
Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.
Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.
PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.MoonWalkers Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder
Dorf des Nebels 17. Bezirk, 15 [Groß]
Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!
Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Leader of MoonWalkers.
Recruiter for our growing community and hoping to expand where we can!
Discord link provided in-game once application is approved.
Don't hesitate to ask questions directly to me or any other member before joining if in doubt!
?Netsuki Kobayashi Tonberry [Elemental]
Hey! I'd really love to apply to your FC! I'm a returning player that's searching for a pretty laid back place to hang around and friends to play with. In anycase i'm very interested in joining!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heya o/ Looking forward for you to join. Meet me in Ul'dah at the Free Company area and i'll be happy to take your application :)
Ahri Moonshine Twintania [Light]
Hey there, i'd really like to have a private talk with the FC leader perhaps about joining.
I am quite a social person all though in the past i used to have my own FC named Moonshine. By all means it ended up not so great and due reasons. handed over the FC to a old friend of mine and that was basicly that chapter. I would like to have a chat with the FC leader or a officer that wishes to perhaps have me.
Ahri Moonshine.
Jxck Hoe Twintania [Light]
I am a new player but i played wow for 10 years just now making the switch. im social and chill and just wanna have a good time playing with like minded people :)
Lemon Snow Twintania [Light]
Hello! I'd like to join the company as well. Seems fun. And Moonwalkers? The name alone is perfect.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will msg ingame!
Minty Quu Twintania [Light]
Hey! Looking for an fc where I can just chill out and have fun with friends maybe do some events and so on. Would love to grow a community with you guys!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
hello! It looks like you're on Ragnarok (Chaos) and not Twintania (light) ? That might be a problem when trying to join the fc.
Kabuto Lightborn Twintania [Light]
Hey, im looking for a relatively chill FC tbh, im active when I can be currently levelling my DoH + DoL whilst I wait for my partner to catch up with MSQ if your FC is down for taking me onboard I'm more then happy to apply and help out when I can
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We'd love to have you! I'll be sure to add you soon as possible when i'm on.
Drakon Lyr Twintania [Light]
Hello, i am new to FF online but on FF or GDR in general. I fallen in love for FF XIV and i am looking for an FC, from the description your FC seems fit perfectly my idea of FC. Could i be part of it ?
At the moment i am part of another FC but not in the order i would like to be, so, no problem to change it.
I am ready to learn, explore and collaborate if necessary. In real life i am an IT Expert.
Tnx a lot, best regards, Drakon.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will get around to invite you as soon as possible! will be on in a couple of hours.
Drakon Lyr Twintania [Light]
Tnx a lot, i really apprecciate. I will be online too, in a couple of hours. Please send me also eventual Discord coordinates. Tnx, see you online.
Charakha Kha Twintania [Light]
Hi there,
I would love to join your FC. I'm after a chilled out group of active players looking to complete duties/raids. I mostly play on night with me being a father so time is limited.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Send an application ingame and we'll get you a spot! We'd be happy to have you :) can find any of our fc members or check our house in Kugane. Plot 20, 18th ward
Drakon Lyr Twintania [Light]
Hello, i was online also yesterday night but no news good news. There is something i can do ?
Obsidian Star Zodiark [Light]
hey, the best thing to do is put in an application to the FC ingame, you can search an FC member in player search from the social tab, easiest way to see who is in FC is to click the little portrait picture here and then view FC and members, then ingame do the player search, view company profile and send application, hope that makes sense :)
Drakon Lyr Twintania [Light]
All done ! Yesterday night i was invited by stainn, tnx a lot, i am one of the FC now. Thank you to all.
Hushed Hunch Twintania [Light]
Hi! I'm a returning player to FF14, and found your FC while looking for a chill FC to hang out at and experience the game with!
My skills include summoning carbuncles of various colors and I've been learning to hit rocks with a stick for gil.
Charlemagne Lionheart Twintania [Light]
Hi I am new to the game & looking for a nice community to join in the game..
Community-Mitglied Riley Prey Twintania [Light]
Hi, I'm returning player and found this FC and was wondering if i could join:) Was looking for a FC to chill with and have fun with and i think this is the one! So the question is if i could join the FC?
I'm mostly online in the evening due to work... Also pretty shy guy but i try to make the best of it:)
Already thanks a lot
Kind regards Riley Prey
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
You are more than welcome to send in an application ingame whenever! its easier to recruit that way :) either way i'll try and catch you online later today.
Moonbyul Qt Twintania [Light]
Hey I started playing ffxiv again and I'm in search for a nice community to play in.
Found this and would like to join :)
Jira Rickert Twintania [Light]
Hello , im new on the game , i search a community for take a pleasure with people, take a lot of fun in the game and tryhard . im play on the Twintania server .
my role is Healer , im respectful and nice guys , i love all people ^^ .
Lina Mcevil Twintania [Light]
Hi, my username is Lina Mcevil, I'm a lvl54 BLM. I was hoping I could get an FC invite? I'm a fairly casual player, I get online 3-5 nights a week usually between 8/9pm and 11pm+ (UK based) depending on my commitments. I just unlocked CT, ST, and WOD and I'm working my way through the main storyline, just about to do King Kupo fight next time I'm on. I'm happy to help other FC members with quests & duties as well as joining in with social events.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Msg me ingame or send your application our way and we'll be happy to have you! o/ Otherwise i'll try and catch you while you're on.
Tiamak Zeppelin Twintania [Light]
Hello everyone, Tiamak here. I have owned FF14 for many years, but never got past the first week or so despite trying several times. I decided to finally quit WoW after a week of Shadowlands, and gave FF another try. So glad I did, as now I understand, and am hooked on the main story. I am a casual player, prefer the story, exploring and running dungeons with a friendly group. Of course I am always happy to help out in anyway I can. Would like to join MoonWalkers if you would have me :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
msg'd ingame :)
Sabu Faellendim Twintania [Light]
Hi guys. New player looking for casual FC.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Msg me whenever you're on and i'll invite you o/
Grey Mcevil Twintania [Light]
Hi my name is grey I am a returning player at this very moment I am a lvl 24 gld . I love fishing and the chocobo racing and I like to help where I can and with what I can
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Send me a shout ingame or send the application our way and i'll invite you o/
Grey Mcevil Twintania [Light]
Will do
Ender Ski Twintania [Light]
Hi im 24, from UK, trying to be active almost everyday now :), since FFXIV is my main game right now, been into MMO's since forever, hope to join a community, meet new friends and have some fun :D! feel free to msg me ingame anytime.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Happy to have you o/ will invite soon as i see you on
Twoflower Rincewind Twintania [Light]
Hey! I am looking for a Company and some more fun. I play a white mage (level 52) and am currently playing through the main story. It would be nice to be able to play with other people and have some fun!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heya o/ search for me ingame and msg me, and i'll throw an invite your way!
Cymphonie Delvaysha Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello I am a mother of 2, I live in the UK and I am new-ish to FF14. I am looking for a friendly, social and relax FC to be a part of. I am currently learning to play a Bard (lv 70) and will be learning other classes going forward. Would it be possible to join your FC please?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Well yes and no! it looks like you are on Cerberus (Chaos) and not on Twintania (light) Server. so that would be a little hard to join! We would love to have you if you decide to switch servers though :)
Xuho Dalah Twintania [Light]
Hello there!
Im a newcomer too FF14 im looking for a friendly FC. Have played WOW for about 12 years but after becoming a father im looking for something more layed back.
Looking forward to your response.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will Send a msg your way o/ we are in Plot 57, 14 Ward, The Lavender Beds in case you're on when i'm not, you can visit directly and send us your aplication.
Oii Shadowchii Twintania [Light]
Hello there! im a new sprout to the community and love a Friendly chill FC to hangout and push through content, im a lvl 24 Marauder pushing through the Main story, i have played MMO over the years including have 10 years of playing osrs/Runescape 3. im also 24 from the UK and have discord.
hope to hear from you soon!
kind Regards
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite you as soon as i see you on as well! We are situated in Lavender beds Ward 14 Plot 57 if you have that unlocked yet.
Bona Dea Twintania [Light]
I'm looking for a company, as a healer i am looking for for a nice social place to play when i log on; - and MOONWALKERS looks like a place for me.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Send an aplication our way and we'll invite you o/ otherwise ill try and catch you online
Rinoa Burrows Twintania [Light]
Hi! I would love to join the FC if possible, just looking for a nice friendly place to come and unwind after a long day :D
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite soon as possible o/
Kara Azura Tonberry [Elemental]
Hey, I just transferred from Elemental, JP server and looking for an FC on Twintania, looking for a laid back kinda thing and I'm always ready to help new and old players alike
Fabulous Manlyman Twintania [Light]
Hi! I would love to join the FC, looking for a nice friendly place some people to play with! Have just finished Heavensward and looking for some people to hang with.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite soon as i see you on o/ Otherwise visit our house in Lavender beds Plot 57 Ward 14
Ailbhe Burke Twintania [Light]
Heya, Recent returning player and have been looking for a laid back community to be a part of, and would be interested in joining MoonWalkers. Really excited for Endwalker's release, and all the new stuff on the horizon!
Cheers o7
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey hey o/ Happy to have you! will invite you soon as possible, otherwise just show up at our FC house as there is likely to be people standing around. We're also really excited for endwalker :P
Veru Dandi Twintania [Light]
Hello, my old FC disbanded. Looking for a FC for leveling, social and fun with new expansion :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite when the servers are back up :3
Veru Dandi Twintania [Light]
Awesome, I am online :)
Mitsuri Kanroji Twintania [Light]
Hi, looking to join this FC, are you still recruiting?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We are! will invite soon as possible :) or you can swing by the FC house anytime and people will be there
Alyse Isshu Zodiark [Light]
Hi. I have been looking for a new FC to join and would like to put in an application if at all possible.
Reino Hugrakkur Kujata [Elemental]
Hi, looking to join this FC, are you still recruiting?
Community-Mitglied Kasumia Wolf Twintania [Light]
Yes, we are. Sorry for late reply, if you still didnt get response from FC and wanna join us - you can come to our FC house around day-evening and ask about invite or /tell Kasumia Wolf
Azaruke Ekuraza Twintania [Light]
Hello there! I'm Azaruke, still new in FF 14 World still learning about game. I would love to have some people to show me secrets of this game and help to understand it. :)
Community-Mitglied Kasumia Wolf Twintania [Light]
Yes, we are. Sorry for late reply, if you still didnt get response from FC and wanna join us - you can come to our FC house around day-evening and ask about invite or /tell Kasumia Wolf
Dexdead Teo Alpha [Light]
Hi, i am newbie to the game and i like to join you!
Community-Mitglied Kasumia Wolf Twintania [Light]
Yes, we are. Sorry for late reply, if you still didnt get response from FC and wanna join us - you can come to our FC house around day-evening and ask about invite or /tell Kasumia Wolf
Violet Glover Faerie [Aether]
Hi, im a returning player who just switched to twintania and need some new friends
Community-Mitglied Ianysus Qerel Twintania [Light]
Hey Violet! Late reply, did anyone reach out to you? :) send a /tell or jump over to the FC house and myself or someone else should be around
Gronisss Graxess Twintania [Light]
Hey, I would like to join your FC to see what it's like to do stuff with ppl and not alone all the time :) I am somewhat new to the game as a whole ^^
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ you're ofcourse welcome to join us. simply swing by our FC house and we'll invite you. or someone will invite you if they see you online ^^
Tomma Necrovexi Raiden [Light]
Hi there I am a returning player with a fresh account for a fresh start. Id love to see what I could bring to your community and I am on most evenings usually between 7 and 12 GMT.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ you're ofcourse welcome to join us. simply swing by our FC house and we'll invite you. or someone will invite you if they see you online ^^
Nadia N'jin Twintania [Light]
Hi! I'm interested in joining your FC
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey hey o/ best way is to swing by our house and throw in an application, then we can easily invite you in :)
Asphodel Nyx Twintania [Light]
Hi! I’m a complete sprout having drifted over from WoW a few months ago, I’m not a super active player at the moment but planning to be playing online more. Looking to join an FC as I miss the WoW guild chat, yours seems chill and it has a fab name :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We've got a couple people who also used to play WoW as well, you're welcome to join us as we're also active on discord! Swing by sometime by the house and we'll invite you
Aderfi Aksil Twintania [Light]
Hi, I am looking for a casual fc that is flexible and chill. I have been playing for a year now, finished the msq and would like to meet more people to become friends with ^.^
Landy Feels Twintania [Light]
Yo man. I would really like to join your company. U can catch me on discord Landy#4656
Community-Mitglied Ianysus Qerel Twintania [Light]
Hi! If you are interested stop by the FC house and we can have a chat! :)
Lowick Byrn Twintania [Light]
Hey all, I’m looking for a casual FC as mine just got disbanded :( is it possible to join this one? Thanks
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited ^^
Wexigan Onodera Twintania [Light]
Hello there! I would like to join the FC if you are still recruiting :D
Inette Phacogelle Raiden [Light]
Hello just wondering if you are still recruiting?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We are! Though seems you've already joined another FC. Sorry for the slow response.
Vandamonia Roxx Twintania [Light]
Hi, I am interested in joining the FC. Started playing again yesterday after a 4 year break and currently leveling to cap. Used to play and raid in WOW at a high level, very social player.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
You're more than welcome to join us then! ^^ I'll invite if i see you on, otherwise swing by the house whenever!
Community-Mitglied Lambda Crown Twintania [Light]
Hey, i would like to join the FC, if you`re still recruiting.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite when i see you on o/ Otherwise you're free to swing by the FC house and apply directly <3
-- -- ----
hi im really interested in joining your static. Could you please add me on discord my name is Shadow_C #9969
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Need to not be in another FC first :)
A'zaq Ve'sh Twintania [Light]
Hello. I would like to join your FC. Looking for new friends and enjoying the game together.
Training Addict Twintania [Light]
Hello, happy to join you, I play from 4 to 12 hours a day, I'm interested in high level/endgame content, currently 4 days in the game, but before that I played GW2 for 11 years
Azereth Winterfell Twintania [Light]
Hi there, looking for a new FC to join. Looking to make new friends, and a friendly discord is a bonus!
If you can't spot me in game, my discord is AugustBurnsRadish#5929
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Sent an invite o/
Wilson Joe Twintania [Light]
Would it be possible to join plz? Returning player, all DLC completed, just working through post endwalker!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite when i see you on. Or feel free to swing by our FC house o/
Wilson Joe Twintania [Light]
thanks! My Discord is also wilsonjoe to add to that as well :D
Delaina Wrathbringer Twintania [Light]
Hello , are you still recruiting ?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We are o/ If you swing around i'll be sure to invite, otherwise i'll try and catch you when online ^^
Kazuma Itou Twintania [Light]
Hello, Are you guys still recruiting members?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
We are ^^ Feel free to swing by to get invited!
Star Fox Twintania [Light]
Hi there! Im a returning player looking for a free company. Currently started Stormblood. Are you still recruiting?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Yep! Will invite soon as i see you on ^^
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Star o/ Still haven't caught you on yet. Hope you're still looking!
Require Lunastraeus Twintania [Light]
Hello there! I'm a new ffxiv player, looking to do some content when i'm able to, currently close to being done with stormblood, so if you're still recruiting and want an extra person, I could be the one to fill that spot :D
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
invited o/
Ember Fires Twintania [Light]
hey im just coming back to the game im a returning player would liked to join your clan to do things qith
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Permutation Canopus Twintania [Light]
Hello! I'm a returning player who forgot most of the in-game features (I'm working on it) if there's a spot i'd like to join!
Solrian De-locke Twintania [Light]
Hi, im relatively new to the game and looking for FC that would be willing to have me. An ex WoW player I am an active player looking to progress content and explore the world. If you have a spot I would love to be part of your FC. Thanks
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite when i see ya on o/ or feel free to swing by
Lupi Mcflukey Twintania [Light]
Hi there. Returning player but very new to the game. Looking for a new home and would love to join
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Free to swing by the house whenever o/ Otherwise will invite as i see you on :)
Community-Mitglied Wamu Dan'glokta Twintania [Light]
Hey, Im a fairly new player and Im looking for a community. I would love to join.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
I'll send you an invite o/
Community-Mitglied Omarino Aloe Twintania [Light]
Hello, new player in the middle of heavensward, would love to join this community ^^!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite o/ Otherwise feel free to swing by the house!
Leo Rhineheart Twintania [Light]
Hi im returning player and would love to join your fc :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite o/ Otherwise feel free to swing by the house!
Terru Griminar Ragnarok [Chaos]
Hi, new player still leveling. Would love to join the fc.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Sending an invite soon as i see you on!
Tinsar Kiris Twintania [Light]
Hi, looking for an FC where I can meet some new people and start working on endgame content. Just let me know if you're still recruiting :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ we definitely still are Recruiting :) Will invite soon as possible or feel free to swing by the FC itself.
Covva Dusktail Twintania [Light]
Hello! if you are still recruiting I'd love to be invited! looking for an FC that's friendly and social :>
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Jiru Jijiru Twintania [Light]
heya! I am interested in joining the Moonwalkers.. Returning player and currently starting a new character but I am interested in harder content (did the arr ex trials once synced). I'd love to hear from you
thank you :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite soon as i see you on! Or feel free to swing by the FC House for a direct invite :D
Marya Natasch Twintania [Light]
Hi ! I'm looking for a FC to chill and do content with other people!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
June Berry Twintania [Light]
hii i'd love to join the fc. i've been gone for a few patches but now im back and looking for a nice community to do content with c:
June Berry Twintania [Light]
just a lil heads up im locked out of joining another fc for 24 hours cuz i left my inactive one
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey June Berry! You're of course welcome to join :) Will send an invite soon as possible, or you're welcome to send one yourself when the 24 hours run out.
June Berry Twintania [Light]
Community-Mitglied Etryel Magna Twintania [Light]
Hello. I'd love to join you guys, since I plan on being pretty active for the foreseeable future and was simply getting buffs from one of those "huge but dead" FCs so far.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Etryel o/ Feel free to swing by the house for an invite, otherwise will invite soon as i catch you on :)
Community-Mitglied Etryel Magna Twintania [Light]
Great. Looking forward to joining. I paid a visit to the house but it seems I was too late. In case we keep missing each other, I will usually be online sometime around 8pm CET.
Poppaby Patta Twintania [Light]
Hi all. Returning experienced player looking to get into harder content. Sort of got to this point months back and struggled to find a way into Extreme+ content. Im active every day
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Poppaby! Will definitely send an invite your way ^^
Shady Boots Twintania [Light]
Hi are you guys still accepting new players? I'm looking for a friendly and active FC where I'm not the only new player in there, because that was my previous situation and I felt like the odd one out lol. My Discord is shadyboots if you'd like to talk there. Please let me know, and thank you!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heya o/ We are of course accepting new players as well. and we do have people both veteran and new in the FC.
Mitsuri Kanroji Twintania [Light]
Hallo squad, are yall still recruiting players? Im starting to get into the game again and I wanna join a new FC! If you can send me a discord I can add you ASAP or here's mine: bil_7318
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo! We certainly are! I'll be sure to invite you soon as possible!
Fluffy Cheeks Twintania [Light]
Hi, I'm a returning player and I'm looking for a FC that is kinda active in any kind of content, I enjoy the game and would like to have peoples to play with :)
I'm online everydays so if you are still recruiting I'd be happy to discuss this asap, thank you <3
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited :)
Fubuki Twinflame Twintania [Light]
Hey, i'm a returning player looking for an active FC to play the game at a chill pace. I play extremes and savages to gather shiny stuff i like. I play on most days except on sundays when i sleep all day. Let me know :) , disc: ayanami_ii
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey o/ Recommend finding us ingame at our FC house to get an invite! Otherwise will invite if i see you online.
Robin Menethil Twintania [Light]
hello me and a friend are looking for a new active FC are you still looking for new mebers ? <('*')> .
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey o/ We are still looking for new members :) So feel free to send in an application, or i'll try and catch you online!
Veru Dandi Twintania [Light]
Hey Southpaw!
Looking to come back for some casual leveling and getting patches before Dawntrail release! Let me know if you can still have space :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Returners are always welcome back <3 Just swing by Veru
Gamasu Kai Twintania [Light]
Hi, this is my first play through and I'm getting to the grindier dungeon stage of the game. Looking for a FC to make it a bit more enjoyable
Gamasu Kai Twintania [Light]
I'm already in a FC but, only a couple active members.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Hey! Can't invite if you're already in an FC, but feel free to swing by for an invite once you're not. o/
Gamasu Kai Twintania [Light]
Send me a friend request please. I'll sort it out next time im online!
Shokomi Tokuhon Maduin [Dynamis]
Hello, I saw the post about this FC and i am interested in joining. I am kinda new to this game and have a lot to learn. I'm taking it slow and doing MSQ and also side content. I try different classes as well. I am a casual player, laid back and prefer to take it easy. I like events and that could make things more fun and share with others. Currently I have no FC so would be happy if you'd take me in. Feel free to message me if there is something you wanna know that I might have forgot. ^_^
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heya o/ Sounds good :) Will throw an invite when possible!
Shokomi Tokuhon Maduin [Dynamis]
where would you like to meet? :D
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Community-Mitglied Shade Lumina Twintania [Light]
Hi, are you still looking for new members? Could I join?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Hey o/ We are! Feel free to swing by the house and get an invite ^^
Community-Mitglied Evelyn Greenbriar Twintania [Light]
I just transfered back to this realm and am looking for an active friendly FC. so i was wondering if i could join MoonWalkers
ig name: Evelyn Greenbriar
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heya o/ We're always looking for new members, feel free to swing by the FC house for an invite or to put in an application ^^ Otherwise will send one as soon as i'm online.
Community-Mitglied Devbril Shirigami Twintania [Light]
Hello there! I am quite a casual and fresh player that is just got to Stormblood expansion so still learning.
I love crafting and gathering in this game but also aspire to tank on raids at some point but mostly I look for a chill out guild and was wondering if I could join Moonwalkers? :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Community-Mitglied Fyson Rev'al Twintania [Light]
Hey there. I've not had the chance to be in an FC before but after so many hours now I feel like joining a community to enrich my time in the game. Could I join?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey Hey o/ Anyone is welcome to join, so new or not to FC's you'd be welcome either way :) Will send an invite!
Yra Vhjr Twintania [Light]
Hello! I am trying to get a hang of this game and I would love to have a friendly group of people to learn from!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ Got a lot of people with a lot of knowledge about the game in general in case you need help with anything! Will send an invite if you haven't already applied :P
Yra Vhjr Twintania [Light]
Hi! I managed to find the application button in game, so it should be good :D thankyou!
Exii Voidforged Twintania [Light]
Hi! I'd like to join your FC. I'm a returning player right now doing Endwalker story.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Accepted Application ^^
Ryuma Masamune Raiden [Light]
I'm a returning lv 90 sam, my old FC is dead!
Can I join yours?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Sure o/ Will throw an invite!
Ryuma Masamune Raiden [Light]
Did you send the invite ?
I'm not seeing it.
Thank you
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
You didn't appear online to me. Maybe swing by the house and send in an application?
Ryuma Masamune Raiden [Light]
Where is your house located.
Please tell me the ward.
Reginald Steele Twintania [Light]
Hi, I'm interested in joining your FC.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite soon as i see you on o/ Otherwise swing by the fc house!
Angry Pillow Twintania [Light]
Hello I am a returning casual player looking to join if you will have me.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Accepted o/
Community-Mitglied Lu'mie Nova'nia Twintania [Light]
Hello there. I have nearly completed the msq and am looking for a guild to make friends:) I want to be part a social guild that can teach me all as I have a million questions and want to experience this wonderful mmo with like-minded people. Please accept my application to join Moonwalkers:)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Community-Mitglied Godvin Xll Twintania [Light]
Hi! I'm a New player looking for casual FC.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Feel free to swing by the house for an invite whenever you're on, or an application!
Eurydice Angelova Odin [Light]
Hiya! Returning player here, have been looking for a nice social FC before Dawntrail and yours sounds like a good fit for me :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ Sounds great :D will throw an invite out once Maintenance is over!
Eurydice Angelova Odin [Light]
Alright, thank you!
Eurydice Angelova Odin [Light]
Hi, sorry to message again but I’m online now if you could send me an invite that would be great :) thanks
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Added :)
Community-Mitglied Ulcera Nuit Twintania [Light]
Hello. I'm looking for a new FC for Dawntrail as I left my old one. Are you still recruiting? Looking for a place to meet new people and hopefully engage in some end-game content this expansion.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey o/ We're still recruiting yes. Swing by the house or send an application ingame, much easier to catch those and quickly invite o/
Community-Mitglied I'dhakya Monhi'sa Twintania [Light]
Heyya. I started playing again with Dawntrail now. If it would be possible, I would like to join the FC. I would be down to do raids and other stuff (not to sure actually what there is but I am happy to learn) as well after finishing the Dawntrail story.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ You're welcome to send an application ingame, otherwise i'll invite when i see you on :) Enjoy MSQ!
Community-Mitglied I'dhakya Monhi'sa Twintania [Light]
I don't really know how to send an application ingame to be honest. I am online right now tho if that helps :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Bulvai Ebonheart Twintania [Light]
Hey there! Oldschool mmo-player looking for a home, been mostly playing wow since 2005, from top 10 guilds to top 200. Currently looking for a casual FF-guild to get into the game, hope to be able to join you lot. Thanks so much for reading!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Hey o/ You're more than welcome to swing by the FC house to apply yourself (usually only takes a few mins to get accepted) Or i'll try and catch you on to invite you!
Maranora Salanor Twintania [Light]
Hi there, I am currently looking for a FC and would love to apply
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will invite soon as i catch you on :) Otherwise feel free to swing by the house at any hour o/
Himeta Katz Twintania [Light]
Returning player and you look like a nice FC so would love to apply
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite soon as i catch you on! :D
Dexdead Teo Alpha [Light]
hi, am looking to play with you and learn more for this game!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send you an invite! Otherwise feel free to swing by the fc house :)
Sylchas Ruin Shiva [Light]
I would love to join if you have room?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
we do! will send an invite :)
Raylan Lofrite Twintania [Light]
Hey there, i'm interested in joining a fc and yours seems really cool, if there's any room i'd love to be part of it! :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Lyft Boedker Twintania [Light]
I am eager to learn, help others, and contribute to the community. I’m looking forward to the chance to make new friends, tackle challenging content, and have fun together.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Sounds great! Can send an invite soon as i see you online or you swing by the fc house :)
Love Deluxe Twintania [Light]
Hey there!! I'v been playing alone it's been a year or so but I dearly miss having a group of friends to play with, and your FC seems like an awesome choice! I'd love to make part of it if you're still recruiting <3
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Accepted o/
Yang Yates Twintania [Light]
Hi, would love to join your FC, still new to the game.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite!
Feixiao Yuko Twintania [Light]
hey i'm Yuko may i join the fc ^^ it my Dic xayah1996
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Of course! ^^ can send an invite or feel free to swing by the fc house
Feixiao Yuko Twintania [Light]
hey i'm in the game so you can inv me ^^
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Didn't catch you on, but feel free to swing by the fc house to get an invite or send an application :)
Vanikien Heradon Twintania [Light]
Hello, i just bought FFXIV, i played free trial so im looking for a group to play with, hoping to seek shelter and make new friends here ^^
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Looks like you're in a different fc already :P
Mubz Seraphiel Alpha [Light]
hi am a returning player and would like to join and re;earn the game and looking for a active fc
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
You're on Alpha? And in a different Fc currently?
Tanad Armagus Twintania [Light]
I'm returning player, mainly playing tanks and would like to apply as well.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite! Feel free to swing by the house as well to apply directly.
Community-Mitglied Raito Yami Twintania [Light]
Hi, i am currently looking for an FC to join and would love to be a part of your community. If you have any questions for me or would like to have a chat please dont hesitate to shoot me a message.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite!
Community-Mitglied Sun Breeze Twintania [Light]
Hi ho, lf a FC. I´am with Raito <3
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite! but feel free to swing by :P
Theromyr Varniarel Twintania [Light]
Hey I am currently looking for an FC to join and make friends. Could I join?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
You're welcome to o/ I see youre in a different fc tho?
Theromyr Varniarel Twintania [Light]
Yes, when i talked to them i got the impression they were a lot bigger and more social. I hope I can get that in your FC
Theromyr Varniarel Twintania [Light]
Not in the FC anymore
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Alright feel free to swing by the fc house in that case and send an application ^^
Community-Mitglied Lerenth Virro Twintania [Light]
hiya would love to join again trying ff again after 2 years new toon n all
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite o/
Westipher Darkwood Twintania [Light]
Hi, I've recently returned to FF and would love to join as a social member.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo o/ Will send an invite :) Otherwise swing by and send an application.
Community-Mitglied Rantaine Greyhawk Twintania [Light]
Greetings everyone, I'm a fresh player (started 3 days ago) and would love to join your community.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Community-Mitglied Ebon Flow Twintania [Light]
Hello! I'm a returning player, 2 year hiatus, rejoined a couple days ago with the Dawn trail expansion, would love to join you guys
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Nice! welcome back in that case :) Either swing by the FC house or i'll invite when i'm online.
Community-Mitglied Negate Infinitas Twintania [Light]
Hi, returning FFIV player here looking to join an active guild. I've been playing MMOs for over 20 years, including Everquest and WoW. I mainly play healers and casters. Hope to hear from you. Thanks!
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Sounds great! Will send an invite, otherwise feel free to swing by the FC house to send application :)
Community-Mitglied Negate Infinitas Twintania [Light]
Great, I will be on later this evening. Thanks!
Shole Klazt Twintania [Light]
Hello, i'm a fairly new player but am having fun learning everything about this game and enjoying the trials and raids, and would hope this fc would help me to participate in more with people who enjoy the same
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Fozzio Van'cross Twintania [Light]
heya i started playing about a year ago and then took a break as other games and things took my interest and i would like to return to the game as well as join a guild and this guild seems very cool on the advertisement and i want to be apart of it and have a group of people to hang with so here is my application !
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Heyo! You're welcome to swing by the FC house any time! Otherwise will try and catch you on for invite :)
Community-Mitglied Noumi Kudryavka Twintania [Light]
hello, i'm a casual player looking for a relaxed guild that keeps the exp and port buffs up would i be able to join your fc?
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
That would be possible yes! feel free to send an application or can invite when i see you online :)
Community-Mitglied Noumi Kudryavka Twintania [Light]
i swung by the fc house earlier today but nobody was there unfortunatly. is there a time when best to visit or a time you'll be online today? i'll be on again from 4pm gmt+1.
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Invited o/
Community-Mitglied Mr Solak Twintania [Light]
I am a new player but i played eso for 4 years(more than 8000 hours) just now making the switch. im social and chill and just wanna have a good time playing with like minded people :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite soon as servers are up :)
Community-Mitglied Eleanor Beaumont Twintania [Light]
Hello! My husband and I are looking for an FC who are active with a great community, we're both long-term players who are active and fairly experienced, and we're more than happy to take part in any sort of event. We're both social and laid back, and always keen to help other players if they're stuck for numbers for a raid or dungeon :) We're online now, I did wander over to the FC house but nobody was home, can't wait to hear back from you!
Eleanor and Xavalien
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Community-Mitglied Rabbit King Twintania [Light]
Hi! I'm still pretty new to the game (Level 81 so far), but would love to join you guys - it sounds like a wonderful FC!
I'm planning on being active and learning stuff for end content. :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Cool :) Will send an invite!
Vahsi Kelebek Twintania [Light]
I am a new player 35 y.old / im play wow like 10 years :) this is my new advanture and i want good community ty
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Will send an invite!
Community-Mitglied Caelan Namara Twintania [Light]
Hi! I am a somewhat new player looking for a chill FC to maybe do some high level content, I would like to join. :)
Community-Mitglied Southpaw Lapine Twintania [Light]
Happy to have you! will send an invite :)
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