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Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.
Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.
Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.
Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.
PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.Kupo Life! Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder
Shirogane 21. Bezirk, 60 [Groß]
Kupo Life!
Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!
Aeiaa Avaeril Zalera [Crystal]
We’re looking for active players of all experience levels that want to be a part of our community and find their place in Eorzea.
?Leolus Drachenhardt Famfrit [Primal]
how active is this FC? I'm thinking of joining
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We average anywhere from 20-70 members online at any given time. Most of us are based in the US, so popular times are usually when people get off work in the afternoon and weekends.
Fornicus Urden Zalera [Crystal]
Returning playing looking for a home =D Stopped playing at the end of patch 3.0 and now working my way through the MSQ to catch up so ill be ready for when endbringers is released.
-- -- ----
I'm interested in joining! Coming back after a break with a new character. My end goal is to, someday, be able to do raids or ultimate fights. However, I really want to take my time getting to that point and do some of the low level mount farms, glamour hunts, and re-shade screenshots while chatting with other people enjoying the game. I'm a fairly active player living in PST UTC-8:00 and am willing to help with organizational roles if the community is a good fit. :)
Community-Mitglied Jess Japestrike Zalera [Crystal]
I am considering joining, since you seem to have an appreciation for Moogles! Also I checked out your estate, it's nicely decorated! And I can even SHOW YOU how much I love moogles! >:(
Yov Irryasch Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I'm very interested in joining. I'm a pretty casual player taking it easy on my way through ARR at the moment. In time I'm really looking forward to learning group content with a group of people who aren't too salty. Wanting to learn to heal so that's my major obstacle at the moment.
I see you saying to apply in-game but... I don't really know how to do that. Can you tell me how?
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
The easiest way is to find another MOG (we're everywhere but if you scour the player search list for Kugane, right click a player with the MOG FC tag and click "View company profile"). You can apply from there.
Community-Mitglied The Shadowbringer Zalera [Crystal]
Can someone add me to this discord? Idk how it works im already a member of the Fc thanks!
Hippocrit Zerofox Zalera [Crystal]
Hello, I was wondering if you guys are still recruiting, I would like to join. I have tried to find you via Fellowship Finder but was unsuccessful.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
You're already in here >:(
Chii Hiro Twintania [Light]
Hi there i am looking for a new FC as my old one recently disabanded. Your's sounds interesting and fun. Are you still recruiting??
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We're always happy to have new members! The easiest way to apply is to find a fellow MOG (usually if you hit O to open player search and search the Kugane zone) and then right click on them and view the company profile.
Freya Rosee Mateus [Crystal]
Hello! I am a returning player and I am currently looking for an FC! I would love to be a part of yours. :)
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We're so happy to have you <3
Mira Nevasch Exodus [Primal]
I was kicked out from the company due to my hiatus, I'd love to come back if that's possible!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Of course! You're always welcome to apply to us once again or if you're still in the discord just message an officer there to invite you back.
Jeppson's Malort Seraph [Dynamis]
Hey! Similar situation here, my old FC disbanded a while back and I'd love to join up with a new one and y'all seem to be a great one. I'll find y'all online and send a request!
M's Mog'moogle Zalera [Crystal]
Think it's time to join an FC, been a solo player for a while now. Think I'm ready for a home. if you folks would have me.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Of course, we'd love to! Please put in an application with the FC!
Ashnya Tel'adar Zalera [Crystal]
Hellooo! New player here, and I would love to join your FC!! If possible, would you like to tell me how can I apply?
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! The best method is to open player search (O on your keyboard or under the "social" menu) and selecting Kugane as your criteria. Look for someone with a mog tag and right click their name to view the FC and apply!
Crimson Serenade Zalera [Crystal]
Hi! I was in your FC before - Aggressive Bread recruited me - but RL got in the way. I haven't played in a while, but I miss everybody! If you could send me an application or meet me IC to join, I'd appreciate it! Kupo!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We'd love to have you back! You can always find us at plot 60 on ward 21 or PM a mog you see in the wild!
Qupo'lo Faltz Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I'd love to join your FC if you're still recruiting!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Always! Please do a player search (under the 'social' menu') in Kugane and find someone with the MOG tag by their name. Right click them and view our company profile to apply so that we can accept you!
Akira Bishop Kraken [Dynamis]
Hello! Your FC looks like fun ^^ I submitted an application in game.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Welcome to Kupo Life! :)
Vash Wickels Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! Returning player here looking for new home. I saw moogles and I just had to apply!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Welcome to the FC! <3
Humility Conundrum Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I am a returning player looking for a new home. Looking for friends to advance and help me get caught up for the new content coming soon
Light Fhuz Zalera [Crystal]
We will gladly bring you aboard! Whenever you're on, you can do a player search for anyone in the fc and send an application and we will let you in! Or we can invite you if we see you online!
Cylia Fate Zalera [Crystal]
Hi- 3 friends; 2 new to FF14, looking for a a free company. Would love to join!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Oh! Please come along and join us! Send an application by player searching Kugane and right clicking someone with a MOG tag!
Lop Tsuki Zalera [Crystal]
Hey there! First time FFXIV player, long time fan of the series, my friend recommended me this group! I would love to join?!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Seems like you found us! Welcome to MOG!
Zoma Discover Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I am a returning player who is looking for a fun casual FC! Hoping to make some friends as I advance the story plot. :) My downside is that I work the 2nd shift 4 days a week. Hope that is okay!
Khelly Greydawn Zalera [Crystal]
we have members that play at all times of day
Sephi'roth Junior Zalera [Crystal]
Application submitted!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We gotcha!
Pandy Lu Jenova [Aether]
Looking for an FC to join since I’ve played alone for a year. I do everything and would to join to help with dungeons/raids/fates etc!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Yes! Come aboard!! The best bet to find us is to do a player search (hit O) and refine your results to Kugane or Shirogane, or just find a MOG in the wild and view their company profile to apply!
Nasyr Lunas Zalera [Crystal]
been looking for a fc, would love to join
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Come join us! Unfortunately there isn't an easy way, so I would recommend applying in game! You can do so by finding anyone with a <<MOG>> tag in the wild and right clicking their name to view their company profile!
Thank Unext Zalera [Crystal]
I wanna join
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We'd love to have you! I'll be online all day if you could player search my name!
Thank Unext Zalera [Crystal]
i still want to join T-T
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
I can't ever find you online D:
-- -- ----
Hello. I'm interested in joining your FC.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I'm so glad to hear! We'd love to have you! The best bet is to find a MOG in the wild (via player search might be easiest) and view their company profile to apply. Often we can be found in the Shirogane/Kugane region as that's where our FC house is!
-- -- ----
K will do.
Sindar Arthwa Zalera [Crystal]
Hy there im looking for a bunch of people to join and have fun in this awsome game yall got any spaces left
, Id love a add if there is space.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Of course! It can be kind of hard to catch people online though and I really recommend you find a MOG in the wild and view their company profile to apply! Player search is usually the fastest way, with Kugane/Shirogane selected.
Raen-arc Blueblade Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! This looks like a great community. If you've still got space, mind adding me? :D I'll keep an eye out for folks as I play though!
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Thank you for your interest in MOG! :D We'd be happy to have you. I'll try to find you in-game or you can send in an application!
Oom Choco Zalera [Crystal]
Hey (,: I'm a new player and this is even my first ever mmorpg BUT the game is really fun and I've always loved final fantasy! I'd love to join and learn more
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We'd love to have ya! I'll try and look for you when I'm online. The best bet is to find a MOG in the wild (via player search might be easiest) and view their company profile to apply. Often we can be found in the Shirogane/Kugane region as that's where our FC house is!
Virias Faux Zalera [Crystal]
hi! i’m a bit new and looking into a casual FC, if you’d have me! i’m kinda shy but i’d love to open up and be as active as i can. i’ll try to find someone in the FC near me or look up someone and apply that way!
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Of course! :D If I see you online I will send an invite as well.
Vivii Astra Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I'm interested in joining this FC! I'm fairly new to this game but active and looking forward to being a part of a nice community
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I will try to find you in-game today and send you an invite. :D
Sara Starfallen Zalera [Crystal]
Hi! I'm trying to find a very active FC to join. I'm a returning player that had to quit around 5.1 due to life. I was involved in a very large and active FC before and I miss the community I was a part of.
Eggy Scramblini Faerie [Aether]
Hello! I was trying to find a new FC/Data Center. My friends stopped playing and I figure now I can go off and do my own thing and I'm really trying to find that home away from home type of FC. I just had a question, and it is only temporary: Is there a good amount of people on like super late at night/early morning? I'm moving to day shift soon and it won't matter but I'd like to try and find good times to really engage in the community. Thank you! I'll apply in game when I get all situated :P
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Hey there! Thank you for your interest in Kupo Life! I'd say that there are people around at all times during the day/night. Discord voice chat is usually more active in the afternoons/evenings ESTs. But there are people in different time zones. :D
Eggy Scramblini Faerie [Aether]
Update: I got approved for day shift (8a-4:30p EST Thu-Fri Off) so I can actually play without being too worried about being a huge outlier for playtime :P The new schedule starts on 3/18/22
Surrogate Self Zalera [Crystal]
You guys seem awesome. I just applied in-game!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
I'm glad you're interested! We'll grab you asap!
Kitsune Zigane Zalera [Crystal]
Hi! I was wondering if your still recruiting as im quite still new to this game I wanted to find an FC where I can meet new friends that are quite active :')
Community-Mitglied Briar Thorn Zalera [Crystal]
I’m very interested! Super casual player, log on mostly in the evenings and weekends- EST time zone. I’m a bit shy, but more than happy to help out with kitty journals, roulettes and mount runs as needed!
Altin Calix Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I'm hoping you guys are still recruiting and was hoping to join the crew. I've been a solo player for a couple of years now and I'm trying to participate in the social aspect of the MMO and yall seem like cool peeps for casuals like myself.
Ariolus O'scalidie Zalera [Crystal]
Hello, im super intrested in joining the FC!
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Thank you for your interest! Feel free to apply in-game and an officer will accept you. :)!
Ziva Kali Jenova [Aether]
Hello! I’d love to join! I’ve seen the MOG FC all over and my Moogle loving self wants to be apart of such a cool group of people.
Shuri Kurosaki Zalera [Crystal]
so im coming back to the game after few years and looking fora friendly active place to join and learn
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Welcome back! :D Lots of new content is out and we have a lot of friendly people who enjoy talking about it or helping others through it. Apply in-game and an officer can accept you!
Torru Honda Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I'm new to the game and looking for a FC.
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Excellent! :) Thanks for your interest. I'll try to find you in-game or you could apply!
Community-Mitglied M'lelshizu Maryu Zalera [Crystal]
Hello. I'm looking to change to a friendly FC with welcoming officials open to new ideas. I'm kinda new to the game (I come from ESO and started XIV last year). I finished the MSQ but I still have a lot to learn. Do you have room?
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hey, we always have plenty of room for new mogs! I saw your application in-game and accepted you; thanks for being patient!
Community-Mitglied M'lelshizu Maryu Zalera [Crystal]
Thank you! It'll login later today.
Lothander Lightlost Zalera [Crystal]
I am interested
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Thank you for your interest! You can apply in-game and someone will accept you, or I will try to find you online. :)!
Skull Kid Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! Was wondering if you were still looking for new recruits? Not technically new but not very experienced either and would like to apply for your FC. Not really sure how to apply ingame, sadly.
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
We're always looking for new an active members! :D Feel free to send an application in-game or one of the officers will find you!
Skull Kid Zalera [Crystal]
I unfortunately don't have access to Kugane yet and don't know how to find people ingame. Haven't been messaged ingame by an officer either.
-- -- ----
May I join? I'm a bit new to the game, I've been playing for maybe 2 weeks now.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
You're always welcome to join us! The best method is usually using the player search to find a MOG and apply. We have officers on every afternoon.
Pana Cea Zalera [Crystal]
Not sure how to find a MOG, but I would like to join if possible. :D
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! You're more than welcome to join, and the best way to find one is to use player search around the Kugane area and look for the tag. You can also look for my name there, and I'll be looking for yours!
Aurelia'a Mihlo Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I'd like to join :))
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We'd love to have you! I'll keep an eye out for you but if you see me first, please message me!!
Faburizu Kori Zalera [Crystal]
Hi! I'm interested in joining y'alls FC! :D
Neo Savvy Marilith [Dynamis]
Hey Friends,
I'd like to apply to your FC. I'm a newer player, just started in August and I'm working my way through Stormblood. I was a part of a larger FC, and then I left. I was sent a tell asking me if I wanted to join a couple of days ago! Is there someone who can message me so I can ask some questions?
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Of course! But there's no easy way to connect from the community finder unfortunately. What time are you usually online and what timezone?
Neo Savvy Marilith [Dynamis]
I'm on right now!
:) I'm usually on CST time.
Pointyend Goeshere Zalera [Crystal]
I would like to apply to your FC, my friend Ash Nod is currently in your FC and I am still learning from the ground up and he says everyone is helpful and cool.
Zengul Grimrain Zalera [Crystal]
I am very interested in joining this FC! I have been playing for the last two years but I mainly play with random players. Would love to be a part of something a little more social.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hey, we'd love to have you! I recommend applying in game in case we don't have times that line up. Use player search (O) to find someone with a MOG tag and apply! :D
Tingus Tran Jenova [Aether]
Hey there, I just got back into FF14 after 2 years (almost through ARR now) and a fishing fanatic but also just enjoying the game. I'm in Zalera and on the lookout for an fc and see you guys so I wanted to apply.
Vyse Englebard Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! I am a returning player and previous member of MOG. Would love to join once again!
-- -- ----
I'm loving this FC and wont be going anywhere.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Such a sweet message <3 Welcome home
Vash'tah Solari Zalera [Crystal]
Hello everyone! I am a returning player starting fresh(was a 1.0 veteran) and would like to find a community to call home =) I'd like to join and build connections and make friends and companions =) Hope to see you all soon!
Taliyah Letigre Zalera [Crystal]
id like to apply please
Minsue Humora Zalera [Crystal]
I would love to find a home with my partner no longer playing I find myself being rather alone :(
Community-Mitglied Vindi Grahm Zalera [Crystal]
I am looking for a new FC just to chill and talk.
J'eztil Aapo Zalera [Crystal]
hello Im looking to join this fc but was wondering if you do any events to teach ex trials and stuff like that
Rex Doge Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! We have a lot of members that go through that content and often invite FC members and put up party finders for that content in our discord. :D! You can reach out to a member in-game for an invite or I can try to find you online if you're interested in joining.
Aramishi Signairy Zalera [Crystal]
I'm back on the game and would like to Re join
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Welcome back :)
Cdn Bacon Zalera [Crystal]
I'm kind of new to the game and casual player. Would love to join your FC
Aneres Mimimaya Zalera [Crystal]
Hiiii! Wondering if y’all do any raiding? Trying to find a group that does content regularly.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! We don't do any organized raids as an FC, but players are always welcome to host a learning party for them.
Agapios Alonso Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I would like to apply. Anyone able to help.
Crimson Serenade Zalera [Crystal]
What's the discord server called?
Leflora Suzuya Zalera [Crystal]
I Just got back on the game and would like to rejoin the FC
Ishtar Moon Zalera [Crystal]
I would love to join your FC please, kupo!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
I'll look for ya next time I'm in game!
Pierre Duvernge Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
I’d like to join your FC, please.
Lilith Naruse Zalera [Crystal]
Hi. returning player here. I haven't played in over two years. I'd like to join your FC.
Taliya Graves Zalera [Crystal]
Hey was wondering if i could join the FC?
Zakatia Zukuto Zalera [Crystal]
Recently started playing and would love to join you guys
Eldritch Whorror Zalera [Crystal]
I'd like to apply, if you're still recruiting
Ziero Lunar Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! i’d like to apply if you’re still recruiting.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Absolutely! We always are
Lyon Oh Zalera [Crystal]
Hello! This looks like a nice and active company. I'm a returning player and would like to see if I can please join your FC. Thanks!
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
I'm glad you think so, we're happy to have you! <3
Sinclaire Delacour Zalera [Crystal]
Meowdyyyy I was considering changing up my FC and I was wondering if I could come scope you guys out~
Looking for somewhere friendly with lots of VC presence
Vathe Vethe Zalera [Crystal]
I'm interested in joining if you are still recruiting.
Tanon Bloodletter Zalera [Crystal]
I am interested in joining.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Hello everyone! I appreciate your interest in joining and I'm leaving an update on our recruitment status. As Dawntrail nears, we expect many returners to come back to the FC. We've nearly hit the 512 capacity, so please apply in game as soon as you can!
Xia Sua Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello, I'm interested in joining but currently at work rn. I'll apply when I can ASAP! :)
Community-Mitglied Berry Carmine Zalera [Crystal]
Aggressive Bread, I sent a friend request via discord (Uchukiti) and would like to join if MOG still have room for me! Thank you
-- -- ----
I would love to join if you still want people and have space!
Sela Ray Zalera [Crystal]
Hi! My (real) name is Haley and Im looking for a popular free company so that I can play with people. I can usually play nights/weekends. To note, this is actually my first time going through MSQ. I am level 70 at the moment
Community-Mitglied Trixuke Fulgurune Zalera [Crystal]
Hi, I'm Eric! Just got to level 70 and upgraded to the Full Version and wanted to join a fun, chill, helpful FC. Would love to live that Kupo Life if you'll have me :]
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Welcome to MOG! :)
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
We have plenty of room still! Please find a member of MOG and apply in game, as it's the best way to guarantee I can find you! Use the player search function (O on the keyboard) and look for a member with the MOG tag, usually in Shirogane!
Kupipi Oran Marilith [Dynamis]
I would like to join. I'm a new player.
Community-Mitglied Aggressive Bread Zalera [Crystal]
Glad to see you made it in! <3
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