Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!
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Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.
Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.
Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.
Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.
PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.Black Cats Parade Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder
Shirogane 7. Bezirk, 7 [Groß]
Cemetery Drive
Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!
S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
If you're tired of trying to find people to party up with then this is the place for you!
Our goal is to be the most active and biggest FC on Materia! to join!
?Liokki Qufiswerty Sephirot [Materia]
Hey could I get a invite please ?
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
yes :) If you're interested in joining come join the discord and react to the most recent pinned announcement to see the FC channels!
Community-Mitglied Leliana Cousland Sephirot [Materia]
Hello. am already in the discord. How do I get an invite in-game?
Community-Mitglied Lucy Isabelle Sephirot [Materia]
I see that you've been added :) Thank you for adding me in game.
Hot Dog Sephirot [Materia]
hey i would love to join your fc i got a 70 gimb
gunbreamer and 60 monk will make s healer evetually dunnobwhay to docjoose
Community-Mitglied Lucy Isabelle Sephirot [Materia]
Could you please DM me on Discord when you are next online - My Discord Username is LucyIsabelle. Thank you :)
Noob Forever Typhon [Elemental]
Hello! I just transferred from Masamune to Sephirot. Keen to join a new FC
Xaph A'nos Tonberry [Elemental]
Hello, are you still recruiting? I'm Interested in joining.
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hi Xaph have you joined our discord server? :)
Once Bitten Sephirot [Materia]
Hi S'arah Jane. Can my partner and I join please? The discord link doesn't appear to be active.
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
yes no worries! let me invite through the game, the discord link should be working D:
Twice Shy Sephirot [Materia]
Hi S'arah Jane. Can my partner and I please join. The Discord link doesn't appear to be active. Thanks :)
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
yes no worries! let me invite through the game, the discord link should be working D:
Community-Mitglied Ty'val Vendara Sephirot [Materia]
Hey me and my partner would love to Join!
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
<3 we gotchu!
Rikkue Leonhart Sephirot [Materia]
Heya peeps ?
Keen for an invite to your f/c ?
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
So good to have you here!
Community-Mitglied Minouka Sanlombre Sephirot [Materia]
Mithra BLM here. :) Can I get an invite too please. The discord link didn't work for me.
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Vulgaris Magistralis Sephirot [Materia]
Hi. how to apply? I'm Leo From Facebook Community. Cheers
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Np at all :D welcome on in!
Ser Remane Ravana [Materia]
Hi, can I get an invite please :D
Fugu Eve Sephirot [Materia]
hi there, i'm keen to join the company. May i get an invite please? P.S i love cats!
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey Fugu! Come and join the discord or add me! or dm Sarah Jane#5376 we will get you sorted ^-^
Dahyun Yhow Exodus [Primal]
hi i am interested to jion the company
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can I join the fc please
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Hi there could i join the fc
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey Clumsy! Come and join the discord and we'll get you in! . If you don't have discord pls dm me on twitter @SarahJaneAFK when you're next online :)
Tibbian Caius Sephirot [Materia]
Hi! Could I please join the fc :)
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hi Tibbian! By any chance can you msg me in Discord so we can find a time to invite you :D Or please drop in an Application at the FC House (Shirogane Ward 7, Plot 7) Looking forward to meeting you!!
Vielseth Jhida Sephirot [Materia]
Hi, i would like to join the fc, thanks :))
Community-Mitglied Sosowi Mowi Sephirot [Materia]
Hello (: Hope you're doing well! I would like to join your FC if you'll have me? (:
Jack Vburace Sephirot [Materia]
Hi, could I join the FC? Thanks!!
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey! We'd love to have you join! Please join the discord and check the #join-the-fc channel! OR dm Sarah Jane#5376 OR come by the FC house and submit an application! (Shirogane Ward 7, Plot 7)
Kian Juleeha Tonberry [Elemental]
Good Evening,
would love to join your FC
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey! We'd love to have you join! Please join the discord and check the #join-the-fc channel! OR dm Sarah Jane#5376 OR come by the FC house and submit an application! (Shirogane Ward 7, Plot 7)
Community-Mitglied Arynn Zell Sephirot [Materia]
Hi, I'd love to join your fc :)
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey! We'd love to have you join! Please join the discord and check the #join-the-fc channel! OR dm Sarah Jane#5376 OR come by the FC house and submit an application! (Shirogane Ward 7, Plot 7)
Ben Beckman Sephirot [Materia]
Hi! can i join your fc? that would be great!
Community-Mitglied Mhyst Storm Sephirot [Materia]
Hey, just wondering if you’re still recruiting as I’m interested in joining an fc to fit into. Thanks :)
Community-Mitglied S'arah Jane Sephirot [Materia]
Hey Mhyst! Come join the discord and we can get you sorted out! :D
Te Taniwha Sephirot [Materia]
Been playing on my own the past two weeks :/ Am keen on joining , have contacted via discord. Will be on after work today if someone’s around to help me get into FC etc :)
Chibi Tsubasa Sephirot [Materia]
Good morning.. can i get an invite to join the FC??? thanks so much
Freedo Homies Sephirot [Materia]
Hey are you guys still open for recruitment?
Community-Mitglied Dannestra Saintclair Sephirot [Materia]
Hello! Can I please be invited to the FC? I used to be a member but was removed when I stopped playing for a while :) Have joined the discord fallen_angel_90
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