Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!

So funktioniert's!

  • Schritt 1

    Eine Gruppe finden

  • Schritt 2

    Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren

  • Schritt 3

    Ausprobieren und beitreten

  • Was ist eine Freie Gesellschaft?

    Eine Gruppe auf deiner Stammwelt, der du dich anschließen kannst.

    Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.

    Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.

  • Was ist ein (Welten-)Kontaktkreis?

    Ein zweckbestimmter Chat, der nur Mitgliedern offen steht.

    Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.

    Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.
    Weltenkontaktkreis: Eine weltenübergreifende Chatgruppe, der Spieler desselben Datenzentrums beitreten können.
  • Was ist ein PvP-Team?

    Ein auf PvP spezialisiertes Team.

    Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.

    PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.
Freie Gesellschaft

Wings of Winter Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder


Wings of Winter

Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder

Balmung [Crystal]

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12:00 24:00
11:00 24:00
Aktive Mitglieder










#Community Involvement
#Berufstätige willkommen
#Neulinge willkommen
#Aktive Gruppe
About Us

Greetings, my fellow Eorzeans! o/ The Wings of Winter «Drift» is once again opening up its recruitment to any and all who wish to join!

Our free company is North American based and has been around since the launch of 2.0, and we are looking to expand our ranks! We are asking you, the community, to come and join us in growing our numbers and family!

We welcome everyone from new players, veterans, raiders, RPers, socialites, PVPers, casuals, and everything in between! We have an active Discord that shares most of our announcements as well as a large house in Empyreum (Ward 14, Plot 42).

We're here to offer as much help as we can whenever, wherever, and however we can whether it be inside the FC or on the outside. We don't shy away from the difficult and try to be always on top of our game.

As it stands, we have events several nights a week ranging from raid nights¹ to map nights and everything in between. There's always more to come in the future, but we need your help to get there. So come on and get involved!

The most important thing is to have fun! We can help with that. We'll welcome you with open arms and a cup of hot cocoa to ease that cold and give you a warm welcome!

How to Join

Contact our FC leader, Vespaer Dagalli; any of our officers listed below; or any «Drift» member for more information, and we'll all do our best to give you the home that you are looking for. ^_^

If any officer or Vespaer is online, we can invite you immediately! Alternatively, you can send an application to us via any member's FC profile! Just right click the FC member, select View Company Profile, and in the window that appears, click Submit Application. You can often find us hanging out around our FC House (Empyreum Ward 14, Plot 42)! As soon as we receive your application, an officer will reach out to you.

~ Laburei Jaderabbit
~ Xira Dagalli
~ Hatsuko Chosai
~ Rosemary Catbuttsu
~ Telsia Twiceborn
~ Emeline Hespiros
~ Sienna Widogast

If you have any questions or concerns, just leave a comment below or message us in-game, and someone will gladly assist you! We have players in every hemisphere, so someone is almost always online!

«Drift» and its members do not discriminate others for any reason including, but not limited to, race, religion, creed, or sexual identity.

Note for Applicants: Prior to approving applications, we like to reach out to answer any questions applicants may have and make sure we're a good fit for them! If you submit an application, please be aware that it may take a day or so for schedules to sync up, so one of our officers can reach out to you!

¹ «Drift» is not a raiding-focused FC and does not have official FC statics; however, members are more than welcome to form or join their own statics if they wish!









Empyreum 14. Bezirk, 42 [Groß]




Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!



Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, friends! I'm Hatsuko! ^^

I've been a member of Wings of Winter «Drift» for about five years, and since joining, they have been a constant positive force in my time with FFXIV. Whether you're looking to PVP, run roulettes, or even grind out BLU levels, someone is always willing to give their support!

This FC has increased my enjoyment of FFXIV ten-fold and continues to get better with time and more members, so don't hesitate to join up yourself! >^.^<


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Kaenma Enjo Siren [Aether]

Have had a very bad/lonely first experience with this game.. hoping things will be better second time around... could really use some friends... Would have to make a new character btw, guess you could say I started on the wrong server.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

I'm sorry to hear your first experience wasn't a good one. We'd be happy to give you a home on Balmung if you re-rolled there!

Keep an eye on this page: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/

The World Status page will tell you when Balmung is opened for character creation. Alternatively, you can transfer your character to Balmung.

Either way, let us know when you're on! Stop by the FC house in the Goblet, Ward 18, Plot 60, or use the player search for one of our officers!

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(Bearbeitet)  -

Skye Moonstone Seraph [Dynamis]

I would love to join the FC! I'm a rather long time player, since 2.0 really, but I usually have ran solo due to not really finding an FC I meshed with! I work third shift so my play time can get really weird at times due to needing to sleep and and such! I also sent in an application in game!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the Wings of Winter, Airo!

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Neobus Laskovnd Golem [Dynamis]

i submitted an application at your Home ^^ just curious how active your voice chat is on discord :3


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Our discord is very active in general and, at least in the evenings, someone is almost always active in our voice channels.

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Snax Malqir Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! I am new to FFXIV and am looking for a group of friends to enjoy the game with. I played FFXI years ago and have had a love hate relationship with WoW since. I would be happy to join you guys if you don’t mind a sprout along for the ride.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

We'd love to have a sprout along! Please reach out to any of our members in game and an officer will be in touch! I'll also be keeping my eye out for you, so I hope to hear from you soon ^^

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Alexia Varuun Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! another Spout looking for a place to grow! <3 been playing MMO's for about 12 years and sadly my community of friends did not end up taking a liking to FF14 as much as I did. Just trying to find a friendly place to hang out, run content and learn the game ^^


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Alexia! I apologize for not seeing this comment previously! This may be way late, but we're actively recruiting again; if you're still looking for a place, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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-- -- ----

Hi There,

i am a relatively new player looking to join a welcoming free company that is helpful to new players!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya! We'd love for you to join us! If you can make it to The Goblet, head to Ward 18, Plot 60. You can submit an application in game through one of the members you find there. ^^

If you don't have access to the residential area in Ul'dah, you likely need to do the quest Where the Heart Is (The Goblet) (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/44ce2d9b6c8/).

I'll also preemptively let the other officers know of your interest, and we'll keep an eye out for you too!

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Captain Cryptic Balmung [Crystal]

Heya, I wanna join this fc. You all seem like a great fit. I put in an application!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the Wings of Winter, Ryan! I'm glad you were able to get in touch with someone ^^

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Alceo Veinslay Tonberry [Elemental]

Hi, I'm a sprout looking to join FC to have fun, grow and enrich my experience in Eorzea. I submitted an application in game. Would be happy to join all of you if you dont mind.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

We'd love to have you! As soon as we see you online, we'll be in touch!

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Community-Mitglied Dunvir Ironclaw Balmung [Crystal]

hi! iv been thinking of switching server from mateus to Balmung since i like the rp aspect in cities but dont really partake in it much and im currently looking for a social FC to make some friend to dip my toes in savage and maybe even ult content as someone somewhat new-ish to these aspect of the game, would love to join once i transfer!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Dunvir! We'd love to give you a home when your transfer is complete! You can post here if you'd like when the transfer is done, or find one of our members (or an officer if they're around!) online and submit an application through them. If an officer is on, they can help you join up right away!

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0 / 500

(Bearbeitet)  -

Boone Dubhaill Balmung [Crystal]

Hi, I'm still pretty new to FF14 been solo leveling as a PLD. I've been tanking on WoW both in a hardcore and completionism sense always striving to be the best of the best in each bit of content (except PVP) I'm a quick learner respectable person but most of all I'm dedicated to learning, be it about optimizing my class, gems/stats and most importantly.. GLAMOUR baby! haha.. Ok but seriously Im new and looking for friends and a place to call home to expirience this wonderful game with, thanks


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Boone! Are you specifically looking for a raiding FC? If so, our FC doesn't have set raid events (or a dedicated team for raiding). While we do have many members who raid regularly, it's not a fixed FC event. If you are looking for a WoW-like raiding FC, I'm not sure ours would be a good fit. But if you are looking for something more generalized, we can certainly help there! We have people who do all levels of content from social-only players to raiders who've cleared ultimates.

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0 / 500


Kiari Iana Balmung [Crystal]

Hi, returning player to FFXIV I have played through ARR before back when HW came out. Been off and on for a while but with Endwalker coming out I decided to jump back in. My goal is to get to Endwalker. I would like to join Wings of Winter. I am interested in doing casual raiding, glamour, community events and just hanging out. Thanks.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the Wings of Winter, Kiari! ^^

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Night Shader Balmung [Crystal]

I would love to join the FC! I'm a rather long time player, since 2.0 really, I usually have ran solo I work third shift so my play time can get really weird at times due to needing to sleep and and such! I really just want to have a group of people that i can play with since i have no one to play with right now no one i know plays this game so just feel lonely .


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Night! We'd love to have you if you're still looking! I apologize for not replying sooner! I'll keep my eye open for you in game! ^^

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0 / 500


Frederyk Wolndara Balmung [Crystal]

Are you still recruiting? I would like to join if possible.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Frederyk! Yes, we're still recruiting! I'll keep my eye out for you in-game! If I (or another officer) can't reach you first, please feel free to submit an application through our company profile. You can do that by going to our FC house (in Empyreum, Ward 14, Plot 42), interact with the placard out front, select "View Company Profile", and then click the "Submit Application" button! ^^

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(Bearbeitet)  -
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Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Toji Azoraya Seraph [Dynamis]

Hello! I'm a returning player from the 1.0 release and am looking for a long term FC for my triumphant return to Eorzea! I'll be online a lot, so please feel free to shoot me an invite when you see me on. I look forward to meeting everyone!!


Community-Mitglied Alphanei Reign Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, I'm interested in joining. I have been trying to contact officers/leader for the last several hours with no luck. Hopefully someone can reach out to me soon :D


Community-Mitglied Arbreforte Danseuse Balmung [Crystal]

I am interested in joining this FC. I'm an older player that has been playing FF14 for about a year and a half. I'm looking for a place that I can get to know, respect, and accept as much in return.

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Ellyllon Tylwyth'teg Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Hello there! Recently found my way back to Balmung and I’m currently looking for a new FC! I’ve been to the house and looked into the FC here and I’d like to be a part of it. I’ve applied as well and look forward to joining! Talk soon!

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome again to the FC, Ellyllon! ^^

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Let-me Solo-her Excalibur [Primal]

Hello, I would like to join please! I'll head over to the FC house when I log on later today and apply. Thank you!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Luna! Which character is yours on Balmung? Did you already apply / join? ^^;

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Let-me Solo-her Excalibur [Primal]

Oh sorry, I just found out that I can't transfer servers for another 30 days or so because I'm on a new server. I'll check back here when I can transfer and see if you are recruiting, thanks!

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Oh no! That's alright! If you get transferred, definitely reach out to us, and we'll get you in if you're still interested! ^^

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Ash Vilae Balmung [Crystal]

Hey there! I'm quite new to 14 and would to join you all! :D looking for somewhere to get to know people and enjoy the game along side.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Ash! ^^ I apologize for not seeing this sooner (we don't get notified of new comments on this post ><)!

I will keep an eye out for you in-game and reach out if I see you online! Our FC is in a housing district that you will be unable to get to based on your current main story quest progression, but that's OK! We can reach out directly, or if you see one of our members out and about (look for the «Drift» FC tag!), you can view their company profile and apply from there! ^^

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Ash Vilae Balmung [Crystal]

No worries!! I'll keep reaching out when I'm in game and look for members :)

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Eichi Huanga Balmung [Crystal]

I would love to join the FC if anyone available to help me join:D


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Eichi! o/ Yes, we'd love to chat with you in game if you're interested! We'll keep an eye out for you! Alternatively, you can head to our FC house in Empyreum (Ward 14, Plot 42) and apply using the placard out front! ^^

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(Bearbeitet)  -

Lyndis Ragebound Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, I am interested in joining your fc.


Sujaki Nhakal Balmung [Crystal]

Hello there. I would be interested in joining your FC


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Sujaki! We'll certainly keep our eye out for you in game! If you can, drop by our FC house and submit an application via the housing placard: Empyreum (Ward 14, Plot 42) ^^

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0 / 500


Valda Fairuza Balmung [Crystal]

I'm a returning player but very much still a sprout. I would like to join your FC.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Valda! If you can, please stop by our house in Empyreum (Ward 14, Plot 42) and submit an application! Otherwise, I (or another officer) will reach out if we see you in game! ^^

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Community-Mitglied Mefflin Wright Balmung [Crystal]

I'd like to join as it looks like a few of my old FC mates have joined your FC


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Of course! Welcome to the FC, Mefflin! ^^

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Community-Mitglied Thesa Atoels Balmung [Crystal]

Hi there~ with the New Year I figured it would be a good chance to try and join an FC on this character and found y'all's recruitment page. I'd like to try and be a little more social on this game and y'all seem friendly enough :) I'll be sure to stop by your FC housing and put in an application, thank you!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Thesa! We saw your application in game, but unfortunately, our schedules never ended up aligning to complete the application process. I'm terribly sorry about that! If you'd like to reach out again, we'd be happy to chat with you!

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Stompy Feet Balmung [Crystal]

Hi I was interested in joining the fc, i ended up sending a request in game.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the FC, Stompy! ^^

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Leuruna Carneseir Malboro [Crystal]

Saw your recruitment page and liked the social aspect and was interested in joining. Thank you!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Leuruna! We'd love to have you if you have a character on Balmung! If you do, please let me know their name so I can keep an eye out for you! ^^

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Community-Mitglied Thanos Uruk Balmung [Crystal]

Returning player looking for a group to hang with. Saw the recruitment page and sounds like a good fit.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the FC, Thanos! ^^

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Totomaji Yuyumaji Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! how do I join the group?


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Totomaji! ^^ You can submit an application via our FC house placard in the Empyreum housing district (Ward 14, Plot 42)! We'll also do our best to keep an eye out for you in game!

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Callie Brosnan Balmung [Crystal]

Hi there, I was looking at the FC page on community finder and would be interested in joining. I'm a returning player that hasn't played in a bit and have been looking for a group to socialize with and enjoy the game again. Hope to get to know you guys better!


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Callie! ^^ I see you're in an FC already; if you're still interested, you can send in an application to our FC via our FC house placard located in the Empyreum housing district (Ward 14, Plot 42)!

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(Bearbeitet)  -

Gaiju Ironheart Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

I am looking for a FC. Its been a while since I last played. I decided to give FFXIV a second chance. I had been a long FFXI player. I hope to hear back from you.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Gaiju! ^^ Sorry for the slow response! I see you're in an FC already; if you're still interested in our FC, please reach out in game or submit an application via our FC house's placard in the Empyreum housing district (Ward 14, Plot 42)! ^^

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Community-Mitglied Caedmon Ienith Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! I'm interested in joining if you're still recruiting. Been playing for a long time but I'm looking to make some new friends. I've submitted an application in game.


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Welcome to the Wings of Winter, Cae! ^^

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Rai Tzuya Balmung [Crystal]

Hiii I'm pretty new to the game and was looking for a social FC to chill with. Was interested in checking you guys out :3


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Rai! Sorry for the delayed response!

We'll keep an eye out for you in game and reach out when our schedules line up! Alternatively, you can submit an application via our FC house placard in the Empyreum housing district (Ward 14, Plot 42)! ^^

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Community-Mitglied Lunious Umbra Balmung [Crystal]

Submitted an application over in game. Been playing FFXIV since the days of yore on the PS3, though not with this character. But despite that, I've yet to really find a FC to call home. Hoping if you'll have me, this is the place for me. It'll be interesting to say the least since I have been mostly a solo player since the days of the PS3.


Sybil Cainhurst Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, hello~!
I'm a relatively new player, but interested in finding a community to play with and enjoy. I'll try to reach out in-game, when possible - otherwise, if it makes things easier, I'm saoirsefaye on Discord. That'd be a much faster and less roundabout way to link up.
Here's hoping I can find an officer in-game. o.o'


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Sybil! I'll try to reach out on Discord as time allows! ^^

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Quin Raylo Malboro [Crystal]

Been enjoy the game just been lonely looking for a FC that active and social . I play off PST


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Quin! I'll keep my eyes out for you! ^^

If you are able, please head to our FC house (Empyreum Ward 14, Plot 42) and use the placard to submit an application! ^^

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Cathal Hoff Balmung [Crystal]

Greetings! I've been playing off and on since A Real Reborn's release. I'm tired of not having friends or people to just talk to while I play. Novice Network is nice, but I'm hoping to find something that feels more close-knit. If you're still recruiting, I'd love to join!

You can reach me in-game, as I'm quite active :)


Community-Mitglied Hatsuko Chosai Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, Cathal! I apologize for the delayed response! We're still recruiting members passively; if you're still interested, do please reach out in game! I'll keep my eyes opened for you as well! You can also submit an application which will make it easier for us to find you. You can do that by visiting our FC house located in the Empyreum housing district (Ward 14, Plot 42)! Just interact with our placard and choose the submit application option!

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