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die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!
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Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.
Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.
Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.
Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.
PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.FFXIV - UK Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder
Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!
Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Main - Chaos, Phantom
Crosly - FFXI (04-10)
Crosly - Xbox/PSN
UK, Newcastle
?Cloudy Final Phoenix [Light]
hi, could I please get an invite?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Hey yeah^^ Add me on Discord Crosly#4694 and I'll talk to you there if you can.
Vyncent Rae Alpha [Light]
Hello, could I get an invite please?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Hey yeah! Will you be online later today after 8pm?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
I sent you an inv in-game I believe. You may have logged straight after.
Gylda Berry Sagittarius [Chaos]
Could I get an invite plesse
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, Yeah sure, I will pop back to Chaos soon.
Theja Zeppeli Zodiark [Light]
could you chuck us an invite please?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Hey, Sure! I'm online now until 8pm or I can try to catch you tomorrow. Also you can add me on Discord Crosly#4694
Nessie Kit'kat Lich [Light]
I sent you a friend request on Discord as I would also like to join. :)
Bjorn Osbern Louisoix [Chaos]
Hello would i be able to join ??
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Hey yeah sure. When will you be online? If you have Discord add me, it's the easiest way to contact me Crosly#4694
Arthur Blackblade Raiden [Light]
Hi can i join?
Ailionora Blackburn Lich [Light]
hi, Are you still recruiting?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Added you on Discord^^
Rivi Surana Twintania [Light]
Hey, I'm interested in joining! Dogtastic#3451 on discord if thats useful :)
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Hey! I tried adding you but it won't let me. Says Friend Request Failed.
Add me Crosly#4694 and I'll talk to you on there^^
Sigrid Walshsdottir Moogle [Chaos]
Hey could i join please? From the uk and looking for people to chat to and run different things in the game with ☺️
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey yeah sure. When will you be online?
If you have Discord, it will be the easiest way to get in touch and I could also send you an inv for the server. Add Crosly#4694 if you do.
Elisa Ya'nel Twintania [Light]
Heyo I'd love to join! My discord is danny23rock#2323
Sent you a friend request! :)
Aerosan Roque Twintania [Light]
Hey, from the UK and looking to make new friends to chat and game with. I'll join if that's possible?
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure! I or my friend will try to get you an invite out.
If you use Discord, the easiest way to get a hold of us is on there. Add me Crosly#4694
J'azih Lokhmi Raiden [Light]
Hey! Is it possible to get an invite? I'm looking to make some new friends and I'm from the UK too :)
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, yeah sure^^ Do you have Discord? Add me Crosly#4694 if you do as it is the easiest way to get in contact with me. But I will add your name to the inv list and hopefully catch you.
Bucey Oo Phoenix [Light]
Hey mate, please could I get an invite to your glorious Linkshell? I'm online now and will be for the rest of the evening I believe :) my Discord is also Bucey#9107 if you need.
Imrih Fiend Lich [Light]
I've been looking for something like this for ages! No offence to our EU cousins, but often I wish I could chill/play with people from the same timezone. My Discord is Tyverus89#5291
Euthalias Lockhart Louisoix [Chaos]
hey i would love to join to learn things like savage content my discord is Euthalias#7684
Rapthorne Lightweaver Omega [Chaos]
Would love an invite please!
Calix Etherion Phoenix [Light]
Hi there :)! I would love to join. I'm on Light - Phoenix :). Can also join via discord.
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Phantom [Chaos]
Hey, sure^^ When will you be online?
The easiest way to get a hold of me and my friends for invites is to add me on Discord Crosly#4694 or reply back with your username and I will add you.
Siph Orion Zodiark [Light]
Hello! sent you a friend request on Discord for the invite if that's ok? It will be Jonker# :)
Artur Vernon Odin [Light]
Can I please join? Looking for ppl to chat to in-game
Leif Kaelikou Odin [Light]
i would like to join!
Moku Raiji Twintania [Light]
hey, I would like to join! inv to discord would be nice aswell :D
Jogmos Pathenda Zodiark [Light]
Hi, new player. Can I be added please? i'm currently down as Adran on discord, sent a friend request.
Jogmos Pathenda Zodiark [Light]
Hi, new player. Can I be added please? i'm currently down as Adran on discord, sent a friend request.
Community-Mitglied Ryu Dhoro Zodiark [Light]
Hi! I sent a friend request :)
Mapix Exe Omega [Chaos]
Hi I sent request
Petallo Lexant Raiden [Light]
Hey. Could i please get an invite? On now and most evenings.
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Are you still online by any chance? If not the easiest way to get a hold of me or anyone in the CWLS's is through our Discord.
Homura Kurotama Zodiark [Light]
i would join this linkshell
Community-Mitglied Crosly Xiv Alpha [Light]
Sure, when will you be online?
The easiest way to get a hold of me or anyone in the CWLS's is through our Discord if you use it.
V'eh Moonwhisper Twintania [Light]
Would love to join. Im already on discord
Lonely Alz Raiden [Light]
i would like to join please
Diana Arjuna Phoenix [Light]
can i join pls? im newbie
Charlie Wade Phoenix [Light]
Hi there! Fairly new and would love if me and my girlfriend could join. I'll organise her joining later
Garick Herondale Lich [Light]
Hi, is your company recruiting? Im a returning player looking to join a friendly community. Many thanks. My discord is aroh588. Thanks
Flash Gorden Phoenix [Light]
hi looks fun came back and looking to get more in social rathere than solo all time if ur still recruiting
Maya Nixvenator Twintania [Light]
Heyo! This sounds awesome! I've joined the Discord server already. For the LS, character name and server is here. I'm a UK-based player who looking to just meet others to play the game with.
Discord is wiseumbreon if you want to add me there.
Omni Lightbringer Zodiark [Light]
Can I too please have an invite. :)
Kiba Akiyama Odin [Light]
Hey could I possibly get an invite please?
Toh Est Raiden [Light]
hello! i'm also a uk homie. i was wondering if could i have an invite too please? discord is @whatevertheo :)
-- -- ----
Tansy Belrose Alpha [Light]
Can I check this is still going? And if it is is the fellowship or the discord my best bet (fairly new player)? Would be nice to meet more UK players ^^
Tsukiyo Miyuki Phoenix [Light]
Hi, say could I still join the CWLS even if I'm not from the UK? I'm out of the Novice Network again since my Returner Status expired and I just like to have chatty people around. Your LS seems to be the biggest on our DC searching here so I would appreciate it.
Ren Solstafir Alpha [Light]
Hi, please may I have an invite?
Possibly Venomous Zodiark [Light]
Good evening ^^ would I be able to have an invite please ♥
Ry Nyura Raiden [Light]
Hey, I made an alt character and wanted to meet new people and do some ingame stuff with. Is it possible to get an invite? :)
Tootie Fruits Twintania [Light]
Hey, would i be able to get an invite? :)
Diaan Botes Louisoix [Chaos]
hi, could I please get an invite?
Grendul Atozak Zodiark [Light]
Hi, just got the complete collectors edition on Christmas. Looking to find a group to play with, got a part leveled character from free trial play, about lvl45 MSQ so definitely still a noob
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