Freie Gesellschaft







Legion of Laughter

Hesher SmolfloofPhantom [Chaos]

We're finally here.
Legion of Laughter has made it to the shores of Eorzea!
Here's hoping that together we can build something nice, a community of like minded people with which to share in a love of Final Fantasy, people that can relax and have fun together! That's my goal as returning Master under this name, to build a friendly environment that makes you look forward to logging in, and never want for help.

If you're reading this, and you're looking for a fun, easy going place to hang your hat, we are now open for applications!

Why "returning Master"? This handle has been in use for 15 years, starting as a guild run by me on WoW, then in LOTRO, its biggest and longest run of 5 years as a raiding league in DCUO, and now we are here!

New beginnings, same old goals.

- Seto


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