
[Folge-News]PlayStation®5 Login Issues (May 28)

This is FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer and Director, Naoki Yoshida.

We would like to communicate more information about the current situation and the issues affecting our PlayStation®5 version users. Upon logging out while in certain areas and attempting to log in with the same character the player will be stuck on the loading screen. Furthermore, the game will show unstable behaviour when switching to Japanese text input.

We were able to identify the cause of these two issues and we are carefully working towards the fixes. Additionally, the fix details have been applied to the development server. We are continually inspecting to confirm if the correction is appropriately performed, or if it causes other malfunctions in the progress.

Although we are prioritizing these two issues, the impact is on a large scale which requires additional time for inspection. As a result, we believe the Hotfix will be implemented sometime next week. Until then, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused for the PlayStation®5 version users.

Once again, we would like to remind the users of the following details as the Hotfix will be implemented sometime next week.

【For all PlayStation®5 Users when Logging Out- Please be Cautious of the Following】

We have confirmed that the following areas are causing log in issues, and until the Hotfix is implemented, we kindly ask that you refrain from logging out while in the affected areas.

■Affected Areas

・Rhalgr's Reach
・The Puppets' Bunker
・The Fractal Continuum (Hard)
・Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)

■Workaround for Players Who Have Logged out While in Rhalgr's Reach

In the event that the issue has occurred after logging out while in Rhalgr's Reach, please try restarting the PlayStation®5 console and starting FINAL FANTASY XIV again. Once you have logged back in, please avoid logging out while in Rhalgr's Reach.

■Workaround for Players Who Have Logged out While in Affected Areas Excluding Rhalgr's Reach

In the event that the issue has occurred after logging out while in the affected areas, please try restarting the PlayStation®5 console and starting FINAL FANTASY XIV again. However, we have confirmed that does not resolve the issue in all cases.

If this workaround does not prove to be effective, we kindly ask that you use the PlayStation®4 version via PlayStation®5 backwards compatibility. These issues only affect the PlayStation®5 version, and we have confirmed that players will be able to log in to the PlayStation®4 without these issues occurring.

In addition, we have also confirmed that users will be able to log back in for The Puppets' Bunker (instanced area), The Fractal Continuum (Hard), and Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard), if the contents are completed (either clear or failed attempt).

If attempting a workaround with the PlayStation®4 version proves to be too difficult, please contact our Support Centre. Some of your time may be required, but we will make sure to provide the necessary steps to follow on a case-by-case basis.


■Workaround for Players that are Unable to Use Japanese Text Input■

In the event that this issue occurs, please try restarting the PlayStation®5 console and starting FINAL FANTASY XIV again. For precaution measures, upon restarting your PlayStation®5 console, please also try disconnecting and reconnecting your keyboard to resolve the issue.

We wish to offer our sincere apologies to all PlayStation®5 version users for the inconveniences these issues are causing.
We will do all in our power to resolve the issue quickly and we greatly appreciate your patience and continued support!

*Edited on Jun. 2, 2021 at 8:45 (GMT) / 9:45 (BST) The issues above were addressed during the maintenance that took place on Jun. 2, 2021 6:00 to 8:40 (GMT) / 7:00 to 9:40 (BST). We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


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