
[Folge-News]Regarding Congestion of Island Sanctuary and other Instanced Areas (Aug. 23): Follow-up

We would like to inform you of the current situation regarding the congestion of instances in the worlds used by Island Sanctuary and indoor housing areas.

We have done everything possible to increase the number of instances available, including deploying spare server machines and adjusting server settings, but most of the worlds in our European and North American data centers have reached their instance limits during peak login times.

The number of logged-in characters in some worlds is also close to the maximum number of logged-in characters in a world, and there is a possibility that all data centers will reach their instance limits during peak login hours.

We will continue to monitor the situation and consider possible countermeasures, however in the meantime, should you receive a message indicating that the server is busy when attempting to move to a different area, we ask that you wait a while before attempting again.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


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