
[Folge-News]All Worlds Residential Areas Emergency Maintenance: Completed (Apr. 20, 21)

The emergency maintenance on residential areas on all Worlds that took place on Apr. 20, 2022 14:30 (GMT) / Apr. 20, 2022 15:30 (BST) / Apr. 21, 2022 0:30 (AEST) has completed on Apr. 20, 2022 16:08 (GMT) / Apr. 20, 2022 17:08 (BST) / Apr. 21, 2022 2:08 (AEST).

We have confirmed that the results period of the housing lottery system has been successfully extended.
We will continue to work to address the issues affecting the housing lottery system, and ask for your patience in the meantime.

We will continue to monitor the situation and may shut down the housing area. We will update if any problems are detected.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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