
[Folge-News]Data Centre Travel status and resumption date of Home World Transfer Service (Jul. 14)

We would like to update you on the status of Data Centre travel and the resumption of the temporarily suspended Home World Transfer Service.

We have implemented the countermeasures for Data Centre Travel load with Patch 6.18 HotFixes on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. Since then, we have confirmed that the number of users has been steadily increasing and the system is operating stably without experiencing any errors due to high load. However, as the number of users is expected to increase over the weekend, we will continue monitoring until the end of the week to make sure that the system continues stable operations past the weekend.

Since the Home World Transfer Service uses the same structure as Data Centre travel, we will wait until the end of the week to confirm that there are no issues and resume the service some time next week. We will announce the date as soon as it is determined.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused by the long wait, and kindly ask customers for their patience.


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