
[Behoben][Dynamis] Recovery from Seraph World Technical Difficulties (Jan. 4, 5)

We are pleased to announce that the technical difficulties with the World listed below have been resolved.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and we thank you for your patience while the matter was being addressed.

[Date & Time]
On Jan. 4, 2025 from 19:29 to 20:17 (GMT)
On Jan. 5, 2025 from 06:29 to 07:17 (AEDT)

- Unable to access affected Worlds.
- Unable to travel to affected Worlds via World Visit System or Data Center Travel System.
- Unable to change Home World to that of the affected World using the Update Home World service.
- Players who are mid-duty on an affected World will be disconnected from the server upon exiting the duty, and will be unable to log back in until World recovery.
- Unable to use free company chat when visiting another World while Home World is affected.
- Unable to use some FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion app features while Home World is affected. Additionally, characters visiting or data center traveling to the affected World will be unable to purchase from the markets using FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion app.

Server program issue

[Affected World]
Dynamis Data Centre
- Seraph World


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