Die Rangliste für Freie Gesellschaften bemisst sich nach der Anzahl der im betreffenden Zeitraum erworbenen Gesellschaftstaler.
201 | | DRINK OR DIEIfrit [Gaia] | 246201 | |
202 | | LunaNovaIfrit [Gaia] | 241461 | |
203 | | StardustIfrit [Gaia] | 237048 | |
204 | | Radical DreamersIfrit [Gaia] | 236535 | |
205 | | Bizarre AdventureIfrit [Gaia] | 235932 | |
206 | | Sunset ColourIfrit [Gaia] | 235386 | |
207 | | Taiyaki TabetaiIfrit [Gaia] | 234372 | |
208 | | WalpurgisnachtIfrit [Gaia] | 232740 | |
209 | | SeSeRiIfrit [Gaia] | 232422 | |
210 | | Magna OperaIfrit [Gaia] | 231753 | |
211 | | S.I.XIfrit [Gaia] | 228189 | |
212 | | FC BahamutIfrit [Gaia] | 225567 | |
213 | | Sempre LuzIfrit [Gaia] | 223641 | |
214 | | TRI ALYSIfrit [Gaia] | 223095 | |
215 | | MACIfrit [Gaia] | 221934 | |
216 | | BureizuejjiIfrit [Gaia] | 221118 | |
217 | | Yellow BirdIfrit [Gaia] | 219141 | |
218 | | Aqua CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 217812 | |
219 | | White penguinIfrit [Gaia] | 216816 | |
220 | | Cosmic EraIfrit [Gaia] | 216654 | |
221 | | End of the WorldIfrit [Gaia] | 215379 | |
222 | | Slow&SteadyIfrit [Gaia] | 214131 | |
223 | | Neko transportationIfrit [Gaia] | 213273 | |
224 | | Roast chickenIfrit [Gaia] | 213090 | |
225 | | LifeStreamIfrit [Gaia] | 212208 | |
226 | | Tokyo Disney SeaIfrit [Gaia] | 211446 | |
227 | | Lente's TearsIfrit [Gaia] | 206436 | |
228 | | :tea:Ifrit [Gaia] | 203193 | |
229 | | hasi companyIfrit [Gaia] | 202584 | |
230 | | 3-6Ifrit [Gaia] | 202164 | |
231 | | MacintoshIfrit [Gaia] | 201660 | |
232 | | DangrufHeroesIfrit [Gaia] | 199599 | |
233 | | FF14mogClosetIfrit [Gaia] | 199575 | |
234 | | The Roar of RabbitIfrit [Gaia] | 196800 | |
235 | | black bulletIfrit [Gaia] | 196290 | |
236 | | LibertineIfrit [Gaia] | 192918 | |
237 | | A cat has nine livesIfrit [Gaia] | 192438 | |
238 | | 4CibleIfrit [Gaia] | 190392 | |
239 | | Team Blood FestivalIfrit [Gaia] | 186573 | |
240 | | Omelette-RiceIfrit [Gaia] | 185010 | |
241 | | Memories with FriendIfrit [Gaia] | 184980 | |
242 | | J'ADORE MOG MOGIfrit [Gaia] | 183669 | |
243 | | Speranzagatto SoleIfrit [Gaia] | 183534 | |
244 | | _0.Ifrit [Gaia] | 182340 | |
245 | | Keeping Geek UnionIfrit [Gaia] | 180150 | |
246 | | Enceinte iceIfrit [Gaia] | 178356 | |
247 | | GODPRODUCTIONIfrit [Gaia] | 177132 | |
248 | | RhfIfrit [Gaia] | 174225 | |
249 | | Rain of GoldIfrit [Gaia] | 174009 | |
250 | | Green DayIfrit [Gaia] | 172137 | |
251 | | Freewheeling LifeIfrit [Gaia] | 171726 | |
252 | | SleepingIfrit [Gaia] | 170613 | |
253 | | OfficinaTypographicaIfrit [Gaia] | 168108 | |
254 | | Chikuwa DaimyoujinIfrit [Gaia] | 166458 | |
255 | | MarshmallowIfrit [Gaia] | 165789 | |
256 | | NEZUMI-OUENDANIfrit [Gaia] | 164472 | |
257 | | KamikazeIfrit [Gaia] | 164340 | |
258 | | Guardian of DragonIfrit [Gaia] | 163791 | |
259 | | - Summer Triangle -Ifrit [Gaia] | 163062 | |
260 | | PopcornIfrit [Gaia] | 162960 | |
261 | | Warrior of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 161496 | |
262 | | nekoIfrit [Gaia] | 161043 | |
263 | | ARCANAIfrit [Gaia] | 160911 | |
264 | | GodfatherIfrit [Gaia] | 160557 | |
265 | | Lust SinIfrit [Gaia] | 160488 | |
266 | | The FederationIfrit [Gaia] | 160278 | |
267 | | Avangarda SylvaniaIfrit [Gaia] | 159939 | |
268 | | Q.E.D.Ifrit [Gaia] | 159678 | |
269 | | LandscapeIfrit [Gaia] | 159096 | |
270 | | OMOCHIIfrit [Gaia] | 158139 | |
271 | | Dissidia FantasyIfrit [Gaia] | 157425 | |
272 | | Home of EORZEAIfrit [Gaia] | 157365 | |
273 | | Calm_and_AxisIfrit [Gaia] | 156231 | |
274 | | La LuneIfrit [Gaia] | 152682 | |
275 | | Deep-fried bean curdIfrit [Gaia] | 151431 | |
276 | | CatsIfrit [Gaia] | 150339 | |
277 | | GOGOTEANEXTIfrit [Gaia] | 149433 | |
278 | | MatchlessIfrit [Gaia] | 149142 | |
279 | | Cooldown TimeIfrit [Gaia] | 148986 | |
280 | | chocolat-giraffeIfrit [Gaia] | 147642 | |
281 | | NAREAIIfrit [Gaia] | 146640 | |
282 | | Tales Of AriseIfrit [Gaia] | 145833 | |
283 | | Windlass TavernIfrit [Gaia] | 145251 | |
284 | | Full Moon FactoryIfrit [Gaia] | 142164 | |
285 | | Defiers of fateIfrit [Gaia] | 141354 | |
286 | | RED EYES BLACK doya!Ifrit [Gaia] | 140775 | |
287 | | post officeIfrit [Gaia] | 137325 | |
288 | | sparkling snowIfrit [Gaia] | 136656 | |
289 | | Cait SithIfrit [Gaia] | 135081 | |
290 | | LightEvenIfrit [Gaia] | 135057 | |
291 | | Shangri-LaIfrit [Gaia] | 134787 | |
292 | | ReincarnationIfrit [Gaia] | 134694 | |
293 | | LichtIfrit [Gaia] | 134256 | |
294 | | GentlyIfrit [Gaia] | 133371 | |
295 | | DolceIfrit [Gaia] | 132906 | |
296 | | kweh!Ifrit [Gaia] | 132774 | |
297 | | cuteIfrit [Gaia] | 132144 | |
298 | | Devils NestIfrit [Gaia] | 132117 | |
299 | | Laid BackIfrit [Gaia] | 131949 | |
300 | | KaleidoscopeIfrit [Gaia] | 131259 |
※ Diese Angaben beruhen auf dem Status der Datenzentren- & Weltenliste zum Zeitpunkt ihrer letzten Aktualisierung.