Die Rangliste für Freie Gesellschaften bemisst sich nach der Anzahl der im betreffenden Zeitraum erworbenen Gesellschaftstaler.
1 | | Otaku ClubFaerie [Aether] | 1411683 | |
2 | | The Pride CollectiveFaerie [Aether] | 1249830 | |
3 | | Ace of HeartsFaerie [Aether] | 927165 | |
4 | | Mochi AcademyFaerie [Aether] | 883486 | |
5 | | Isekai CorporationFaerie [Aether] | 866820 | |
6 | | godesssFaerie [Aether] | 835743 | |
7 | | The Long PatrolFaerie [Aether] | 812162 | |
8 | | The Hellborn MantaFaerie [Aether] | 783677 | |
9 | | King's GroveFaerie [Aether] | 783280 | |
10 | | Rainbow GardenFaerie [Aether] | 782772 | |
11 | | Tonberry AcademyFaerie [Aether] | 715782 | |
12 | | Paws and EffectFaerie [Aether] | 690698 | |
13 | | Orange PekoeFaerie [Aether] | 648563 | |
14 | | Sword of the BraveFaerie [Aether] | 613305 | |
15 | | JohtoFaerie [Aether] | 600588 | |
16 | | Before DawnFaerie [Aether] | 579924 | |
17 | | Big Dungeon EnergyFaerie [Aether] | 578766 | |
18 | | Gecko EchoFaerie [Aether] | 563652 | |
19 | | G4YMER's AnonymousFaerie [Aether] | 555495 | |
20 | | Moon SongFaerie [Aether] | 544579 | |
21 | | Moon PrismFaerie [Aether] | 540410 | |
22 | | BluebirdsFaerie [Aether] | 520921 | |
23 | | Majima-gumiFaerie [Aether] | 513531 | |
24 | | Modest And Kind OnlyFaerie [Aether] | 511003 | |
25 | | First LightFaerie [Aether] | 509707 | |
26 | | Just Filthy CasualsFaerie [Aether] | 495273 | |
27 | | Deku HyliansFaerie [Aether] | 485526 | |
28 | | HavenFaerie [Aether] | 469280 | |
29 | | Eternal SoulsFaerie [Aether] | 460080 | |
30 | | Celestial ReverieFaerie [Aether] | 460077 | |
31 | | Sanctuary DemitasseFaerie [Aether] | 457800 | |
32 | | Sacred SolsticeFaerie [Aether] | 451986 | |
33 | | The MogfiaFaerie [Aether] | 449061 | |
34 | | Knights Of The BloodFaerie [Aether] | 446706 | |
35 | | IllusionFaerie [Aether] | 444849 | |
36 | | Tonberry Garden 666Faerie [Aether] | 442191 | |
37 | | Direct Critical Hit!Faerie [Aether] | 433909 | |
38 | | Tiro FinaleFaerie [Aether] | 433023 | |
39 | | Rhododendron GardenFaerie [Aether] | 424728 | |
40 | | Hedera AzoricaFaerie [Aether] | 423237 | |
41 | | Elusive ParadiseFaerie [Aether] | 422058 | |
42 | | The Black SheepFaerie [Aether] | 406632 | |
43 | | Shuffle AllianceFaerie [Aether] | 404880 | |
44 | | Caotica AmorFaerie [Aether] | 404136 | |
45 | | AlfheimFaerie [Aether] | 401916 | |
46 | | Ghosts of FolkvangrFaerie [Aether] | 385341 | |
47 | | Brew MeFaerie [Aether] | 375819 | |
48 | | Kingdom HeartsFaerie [Aether] | 373179 | |
49 | | The Moogle SquadFaerie [Aether] | 363786 | |
50 | | The Kupo Nut CartelFaerie [Aether] | 354921 | |
51 | | Autistic ScreechingFaerie [Aether] | 354330 | |
52 | | Fat Cat Fan ClubFaerie [Aether] | 352275 | |
53 | | MandervillainsFaerie [Aether] | 346182 | |
54 | | Memoria SupernovaFaerie [Aether] | 345090 | |
55 | | Abyssus GamingFaerie [Aether] | 344607 | |
56 | | Magicite 2 MateriaFaerie [Aether] | 343374 | |
57 | | WanderlustFaerie [Aether] | 341973 | |
58 | | Knights who say Ni!!Faerie [Aether] | 339840 | |
59 | | Does This Cleave?Faerie [Aether] | 337692 | |
60 | | OutcastsFaerie [Aether] | 336051 | |
61 | | Seraphic GuardiansFaerie [Aether] | 333171 | |
62 | | Veiled EclipseFaerie [Aether] | 327405 | |
63 | | Love ReverieFaerie [Aether] | 325770 | |
64 | | Bubble TeaFaerie [Aether] | 321735 | |
65 | | Royal JellyFaerie [Aether] | 320619 | |
66 | | Milk ItFaerie [Aether] | 310245 | |
67 | | Xel's HangoutFaerie [Aether] | 309540 | |
68 | | Death By LoveFaerie [Aether] | 307134 | |
69 | | SleepyFaerie [Aether] | 305253 | |
70 | | Sleeping ForestFaerie [Aether] | 304164 | |
71 | | Horizon!Faerie [Aether] | 298125 | |
72 | | Sayonara MemoriesFaerie [Aether] | 296331 | |
73 | | AstraeaFaerie [Aether] | 295698 | |
74 | | Of Dragon's BloodFaerie [Aether] | 289887 | |
75 | | EostreFaerie [Aether] | 289398 | |
76 | | Shinra Electric Co.Faerie [Aether] | 288753 | |
77 | | My Neighbor ChocoboFaerie [Aether] | 284340 | |
78 | | MoonlitFaerie [Aether] | 272655 | |
79 | | NPC EnergyFaerie [Aether] | 269211 | |
80 | | ShiroyukiFaerie [Aether] | 268920 | |
81 | | House of HeroesFaerie [Aether] | 268602 | |
82 | | Clockwork HeartsFaerie [Aether] | 267786 | |
83 | | GoddessFaerie [Aether] | 261948 | |
84 | | SephirotFaerie [Aether] | 261375 | |
85 | | Majestic UnicornsFaerie [Aether] | 256221 | |
86 | | Otter InsomniacsFaerie [Aether] | 253239 | |
87 | | Pocket-SoupFaerie [Aether] | 253056 | |
88 | | Chevalier du cristalFaerie [Aether] | 249834 | |
89 | | Locke and KeyFaerie [Aether] | 249414 | |
90 | | Fairy Tail GuildFaerie [Aether] | 248850 | |
91 | | PandemoniumFaerie [Aether] | 247959 | |
92 | | NyanpasuFaerie [Aether] | 246792 | |
93 | | CrescentiaFaerie [Aether] | 245436 | |
94 | | OniFaerie [Aether] | 244662 | |
95 | | Boosted MonkeysFaerie [Aether] | 243483 | |
96 | | Strange BrigadeFaerie [Aether] | 242226 | |
97 | | Order of the FoxFaerie [Aether] | 240825 | |
98 | | PothosFaerie [Aether] | 239313 | |
99 | | The Stabby BrigadeFaerie [Aether] | 235737 | |
100 | | Over RaidedFaerie [Aether] | 233652 |
※ Diese Angaben beruhen auf dem Status der Datenzentren- & Weltenliste zum Zeitpunkt ihrer letzten Aktualisierung.