
The Feast Season Nine Results Are In!

The competition has been fierce, but at last, we have declared the winners of the Feast Season Nine!

Top ranking players will receive special rewards, so check out the rankings and see who clawed their way to the head of the pack!

Wolf Collars may be earned as rewards for tier placement. Players can exchange ten for a weapon of their choice at Wolves’ Den Pier from the Feast Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier (X:4.9 Y:5.8). Learn more about Wolf Collars.

* The top ranking rewards will be delivered in-game via the moogle delivery service. Please note that, under certain circumstances, items may not be delivered immediately.
* Pre-season matches for Season Ten are scheduled to begin with the release of patch 4.4 and end with the release of patch 4.41. Please note that ranking rewards must be claimed before the release of patch 4.41.

View the results for Season Nine.


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