
Upcoming Changes to Scrips and Allagan Tomestones

Patch 7.0 will see several changes to Allagan tomestones and scrips, including the removal of Allagan tomestones of astronomy, as well as yellow crafters' and gatherers' scrips.

Players carrying any of these currencies are advised to exchange them before the start of Patch 7.0 maintenance.


New Tomestones

Two new types of tomestones will be added, which can only be obtained after reaching level 100 with at least one class or job.

Regarding Existing Tomestones

Allagan Tomestones of Comedy and Causality

  • These tomestones will no longer be obtainable.

All trials and duties that currently yield these tomestones will instead offer Allagan tomestones of poetics or the new Allagan tomestone currency.

  • Players will no longer be able to exchange these tomestones for items.

Although Allagan tomestones of comedy and causality will not be removed in Patch 7.0, items obtained through their exchanges will be made available through other means.

Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy

With the release of Patch 7.0, all Allagan tomestones of astronomy in the possession of players will be removed.
* Players currently carrying Allagan tomestones of astronomy are advised to exchange them for Allagan tomestones of causality by speaking with Auriana in Revenant's Toll (X:22.7 Y:6.7) prior to the scheduled maintenance for Patch 7.0.

Allagan Tomestones of Poetics

Allagan tomestones of poetics will be obtainable from trials and duties up to level 90, as well as the Duty Roulette.

Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

New Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

A new type of crafters' scrip and gatherers' scrip will be added, which can be obtained when exchanging collectable items starting at level 100.

Regarding Existing Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

White Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

  • These scrips will no longer be obtainable.

In accordance with this change, all white crafters' and gatherers' scrips rewards will be changed to purple crafters' and gatherers' scrips, and the amount awarded will be adjusted.
* After the release of Patch 7.0, players will be able to exchange white crafters' and gatherers' scrips for purple crafters' and gatherers' scrips respectively by speaking with the scrip exchange in Revenant's Toll (X:22.7 Y:6.7) and other locations.

  • Although white crafters' and gatherers’ scrips will not be removed in Patch 7.0, players will no longer be able to exchange them for items.

Items currently obtained with white crafters' and gatherers' scrips will be obtained with purple crafters' and gatherers' scrips respectively by speaking with the scrip exchange.

Yellow Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

With the release of Patch 7.0, all yellow crafters' and gatherers' scrips in the possession of players will be removed from the game.
* Players currently carrying these scrips are advised to exchange them for white crafters' and gatherers' scrips by speaking with the scrip exchange in Revenant's Toll (X:22.4 Y:6.7) and other locations prior to the scheduled maintenance for Patch 7.0.


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