
New Year's Greetings!

Happy New Year to FFXIVers near and far!
This is Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida.

Beyond a boiling hot summer and an almost non-existent autumn, we've wintered through the end of the year and into 2025... I was announced as head of the old FFXIV on December 10, 2010; so for me, this marks my fifteenth year on the project.

We naturally tend to value anniversaries in fives, like the fifth or the tenth, but now half of my career as a game developer has been happily devoted to FINAL FANTASY XIV. That I've been able to come this far and make so many incredible memories is because of you, Warriors of Light. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!

Last year marked a new beginning for the reborn FFXIV with the release of our fifth major expansion, Dawntrail. Patch 7.1 gave us a sense of the trouble brewing for the Warrior of Light, so I hope you'll join us this year for Patches 7.2 and 7.3, where you'll experience some exciting twists and catch a glimpse of adventures yet to come.

My own work is focused even further ahead, as I wrestle with a certain storyboarding task. A recent conversation with the Community team went something like:

“Korea was the last stop of our Fan Festival tour, wasn't it?”
“So what are we doing after Fan Fest?”
“Don't you know? The next Fan Fest begins!”

So we're already preparing for even greater developments to all FFXIV has to offer.

After fifteen years, these sorts of preparations have become something of a year-end tradition, but I have to admit, thinking up new ideas never fails to thrill, and I can hardly wait to see you all again in person.

...And it would seem this particular tradition persists as well.

Of all the notes I've received over the years, this one has a distinctly different feel to it. I wonder how its words will influence our story going forward...

The Development team is deep into work on Patch 7.2, and in February I'll start my own checks on implementation. Our jam-packed schedule is set to bring you a jam-packed patch, so look forward to loads of new content. Kicking off with the release of Patch 7.2, we hope to bring you a year full of fun and surprises, both in game and out.

Again, I wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for your continued support!

FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer & Director

Naoki Yoshida


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