
Regarding Season Rewards for Crystalline Conflict

Thank you all for your feedback regarding season rewards for Crystalline Conflict. After careful consideration, we have decided to change how season rewards are distributed, allowing players to receive portraits, achievements, and titles for all tiers and ranks up to and including their final standings at the end of the season.

You no longer need to worry about stopping at a particular rank or tier for a reward that catches your eye. Just take to the crystal line and enjoy yourself!

Changes to Framer’s Kit Rewards

From Patch 6.2 onward, using a Framer’s Kit reward will grant portrait rewards commensurate with your rank and tier, as well as rewards for all ranks and tiers below your final standing.

Changes to Achievements and Titles

From Season Two onward, players will receive achievements and titles for all tiers and ranks up to and including their final standings at the end of each season.
* Please note the achievements and titles for rank rewards will change each season, but those for tiers will remain the same.

* The portrait and achievement rewards for all tiers and ranks up to and including the final standings of players in Season One are scheduled to be unlocked with the release of Patch 6.2.


Neueste Aktivitäten

Die Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Einträge kann verringert werden.
※ Aktivitäten, die Ranglisten betreffen, werden auf allen Welten geteilt.
※ Aktivitäten zur Grüdung von PvP-Teams können nicht nach Sprache gefiltert werden.
※ Aktivitäten deiner Freien Gesellschaft können nicht nach Sprache gefiltert werden.

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